petek, 8. avgust 2008

Salsa! ¿Quieres baillar conmigo?

Salsa! Ah, que bonito! (?) Salsa Caliente, Buba, Soy Cubano (in mednarodna), Palestra, Salsoteca, Salsa Libre Academia, ..., to so šole in stili, ki so vzniknili po izbruhu salse in swinga (+ swingerjev;) iz subkulturnih krogov, iz underground scene bara Lunapark in še pred tem Starega Gleja pri Poljanski cesti v LJ ... Tam se je vse začelo in tukaj lahko preberete (scroll down), kaj Elder Sanchez polaga na srce slovensklim plesalcem in salsa klubom. Zelo prav ima glede lastnikov klubov in "noč je mlada" - treba jim je pustiti več denarja ... Žal, a prav.
Heck! They even made it a festival ... not just one, mind yeh. There are now salsa festivals all over the place (EU) , all through the year. I haven't been to neither one (yet) but perhaps, with a discovery of a potential perfect dancing partner (watch Shall we Dance with Richard Gere and Susan Sarandon and you'll know what I mean) perhaps that is on the verge of happening;)

Salsa salsa salsa. You just have to love the afro-american, the cuban, the LATIN dance type of songs. And I don't mean reaggaeton - don't like it that much. It shows to much to fast, it's ... sorry, but, too dirty for me. I like the suspense, the openess, the freedom of salsa, the goodheart, the sun-filled glass of mujito e caipirinha ... mhhh ;)

Fresh from the danceclub - prišel ravnokar iz Salsa club Paprike v Portorose, Portorožu .. mmm;) Super je bilo. Še kelnarca je rekla, da mi sploh ne gre slabo;))

Aja, pa: očitno je v soboto, 9. 8. 2008 zvečer, ob 20.30 Cubismo v portoroškem Avditoriju. I'm taking my mom out for dancing;)

Aha in tukajle je Rok, ena izmed fac, ki ga poznam že .. uh, 17 let (s presledki). Približno istočasno sva začela plesati, morda on še celo malo prej (ST in LA), nato sem pa jaz nehal (očitno on tudi), potem pa se je začel salsistično udejstvovati. Svaka čast, Rok!

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