četrtek, 28. junij 2007

FBI to restrict student rights

Urgent news from zee general: prihodnost?! - Če hočeš delat oz. študirat v ameriki, rabiš met dovoljenje od vlade, da kot mladi raziskovalec delaš ob nenavadnih urah, se pogovarjaš s sošolci, … Heeeelloooo 1984!

This is of great concern– should be for everybody – and the trick is … as it goes with all of modern-day political changes: nobody should know untill it is almost too late (IS too late) to act!

Zadeva je sledeča: (Quoting http://romunov.blogsome.com)

This is getting silly:
US university students will not be able to work late at the campus, travel abroad, show interest in their colleagues’ work, have friends outside the United States, engage in independent research, or make extra money without the prior consent of the authorities, according to a set of guidelines given to administrators by the FBI.

Federal agents are visiting some of the New England’s top universities, including MIT, Boston College, and the University of Massachusetts, to warn university heads about the dangers of foreign spies and terrorists stealing sensitive academic research. FBI is offering to brief faculty, students and staff on what it calls “espionage indicators” aimed at identifying foreign agents.

Unexplained affluence, failing to report overseas travel, showing unusual interest in information outside the job scope, keeping unusual work hours, unreported contacts with foreign nationals, unreported contact with foreign government, military, or intelligence officials, attempting to gain new accesses without the need to know, and unexplained absences are all considered potential espionage indicators.

Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to monitor their colleagues for signs of suspicious behaviour and report any concerns to the FBI or the military.
What is this, the third Reich?

link do blogalink do “original” page-alink do hudga commentarja

Me thinks the pictures above are worth a 1,000 words ... perhaps 10,000 - ker bi jih nekako toliko rabu, če bi hotel povedati vse ... Pa ne bom - kaj, sej znate sami razmišljat ... eni očitno ne znajo(-mo).
in drugi del sledi spodaj - eeee - zgoraj ...

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