petek, 29. junij 2007

The whole world's a stage ... eee ... boiling pot

Kot sicer ITAQ vemo vsi (do we/they really?), se naša ljuba mala neugledna modra pega prahu vedno bolj očitno pregreva.

Kot bi rekel Douglas Adams: /.../ an utterly insignificant little blue-green planet whose ape-descended life forms are so amazingly primitive that they still think digital watches are a pretty neat idea.

One Thursday lunchtime the Earth is unexpectedly demolished to make way for a new hyperspace bypass. For Arthur Dent, who has only just had his house demolished that morning, this seems already to be more than he can cope with. Sadly, however, the weekend has only just begun, and ...

S tem nenako nisem povedal nič novega, bom pa izpostavil en problem, ki sva ga danes/včeraj skupaj z dechvo ugotavljala v Pe~nasu: mediji in politiki in vsi, problematizirajo neke teme (pustimo to, da delajo to seveda zaradi gledanosti=denarja od oglaševanja oz. podpore volilnega telesa, ob strani) ampak najhuje je to, k so privzeli neko morbidno držo, s katero naj bi kao pokazali svoj/naš prav in intelekt.
In zakaj je to problem? Because after the statement, they simply dismiss the PROBLEM in the lines of:'Well, it's all going down the drain, anyway/what can there be done? / it's here.' Ja, iiiiinnnn? What, we gonna just sit here and wait for the effects of our past deeds to affect us and everything else as well?
Ja, NE, ane! We fight. We die. We die proudly. ;)
A little big man statement:Today is a good day to die.

Old Lodge Skins: Come out and fight! It is a good day to die! Thank You for making me a Human Being! Thank You for helpin' me to become a warrior! Thank You for my victories, and for my defeats! Thank You for my vision, and the blindness in which I saw further! You make all things and direct them in their ways, O Grandfather. And now You have decided the Human Beings will soon walk a road that leads nowhere. I am gonna die now, unless death wants to fight. And I ask You for the last time to grant me my old power to make things happen.

Problem bo samo en ... ko bo RES vroče, si bomo vsak dan želeli, da bi bil "lep dan za smrt".

(pa brez zamere, Niet-i:)

Ko bi vsaj vsi na svetu razmišljali indijansko. Wikipedia: Cree prophecy.

From Big Chief to ... apples?

1 komentar:

Anonimni pravi ...

bodi SAM sprememba, ki si jo želiš v svetu.

Mahatma Gandhi