četrtek, 31. december 2009
Why do we kill people ... to show that
Morm to sem gor dat, ker me skrbi, da jo bodo umaknil ... fotko namreč, pa bi jo dal na svoj blog repository, tak da ne se obremenjevat (razen, če se res hočte), sam scrollajte/surfajte naprej.
sreda, 30. december 2009
Zdej pa začne!
Tradicionalna žurka nad oblaki;) Tokrat en dan prej.
//Ko hodiš nad oblaki, pazi na vsak svoj korak ... //
Vse najboljše, N.!;)
Tradicionalna žurka nad oblaki;) Tokrat en dan prej.
//Ko hodiš nad oblaki, pazi na vsak svoj korak ... //
Vse najboljše, N.!;)
sreda, 16. december 2009
Let it thaw, let it thaw, let it thaw (Kobenhavn, pt 2)
The weather INSIDE is frightful,
but the FIRE, oh, it's so delightful;
since we've no place to go,
it don't snow it don't snow it don't snow (anymore).
When we finally kiss goodnight,
I'll hate going out in the storm,
but If you only held me tight,
now it wouldn't be oh, so warm!
The Kobenhavn conference is frightful,
but the fire ... it's so delightful,
since we've no else but coal,
let it thaw, let it thaw, let it thaw?
sobota, 12. december 2009
Summer in the city
How appropriate for december, you say? Well, thinkenhaggen again;)
Source: lyrics
Original song on you tube (one of the versions): song here.
"Summer In The City"
Summer in the city means cleavage cleavage cleavage
And I start to miss you, baby, sometimes
I've been staying up and drinking in a late night establishment
Telling strangers personal things
Summer in the city, I'm so lonely lonely lonely
So I went to a protest just to rub up against strangers
And I did feel like coming but I also felt like crying
It doesn't seem so worth it right now
And the castrated ones stand in the corner smoking
They want to feel the bulges in their pants start to rise
At the site of a beautiful woman they feel nothing but
Anger, her skin makes them sick in the night nauseaous, nauseaous, nauseaous
Summer in the city, I'm so lonely lonely lonely
I've been hallucinating you, babe, at the backs of other women
And I tap on their shoulder and they turn around smiling
But there's no recognition in their eyes
Oh summer in the city means cleavage cleavage cleavage
And don't get me wrong, dear, in general I'm doing quite fine
It's just when it's summer in the city, and you're so long gone from the city
I start to miss you, baby, sometimes
When it's summer in the city
And you're so long gone from the city
I start to miss you, baby, sometimes
I start to miss you, baby, sometimes
I start to miss you, baby, sometimes
Summer in the city means cleavage cleavage cleavage
And I start to miss you, baby, sometimes
I've been staying up and drinking in a late night establishment
Telling strangers personal things
Summer in the city, I'm so lonely lonely lonely
So I went to a protest just to rub up against strangers
And I did feel like coming but I also felt like crying
It doesn't seem so worth it right now
And the castrated ones stand in the corner smoking
They want to feel the bulges in their pants start to rise
At the site of a beautiful woman they feel nothing but
Anger, her skin makes them sick in the night nauseaous, nauseaous, nauseaous
Summer in the city, I'm so lonely lonely lonely
I've been hallucinating you, babe, at the backs of other women
And I tap on their shoulder and they turn around smiling
But there's no recognition in their eyes
Oh summer in the city means cleavage cleavage cleavage
And don't get me wrong, dear, in general I'm doing quite fine
It's just when it's summer in the city, and you're so long gone from the city
I start to miss you, baby, sometimes
When it's summer in the city
And you're so long gone from the city
I start to miss you, baby, sometimes
I start to miss you, baby, sometimes
I start to miss you, baby, sometimes
Source: lyrics
Original song on you tube (one of the versions): song here.
sreda, 2. december 2009
Wow, popusti!
Ko že misliš, da življenje enostavno ne more postati lepše, ti dan polepša ...? Interšpar. Ljudje božji, dobil sem popust za 0.10 eurocent! Wow!

Že razmišljam, kaj si bom lepega kupil in kaj bom oblekel, ko bom vnovčil ta čudoviti novembrski popust. A pozor! Bonus v vrednosti 0.10 € lahko vnovčim ZGOLJ do 27. 12., zatorej: hitro po nakupih, kajne?

Že razmišljam, kaj si bom lepega kupil in kaj bom oblekel, ko bom vnovčil ta čudoviti novembrski popust. A pozor! Bonus v vrednosti 0.10 € lahko vnovčim ZGOLJ do 27. 12., zatorej: hitro po nakupih, kajne?
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