četrtek, 31. december 2009
Why do we kill people ... to show that
Morm to sem gor dat, ker me skrbi, da jo bodo umaknil ... fotko namreč, pa bi jo dal na svoj blog repository, tak da ne se obremenjevat (razen, če se res hočte), sam scrollajte/surfajte naprej.
sreda, 30. december 2009
Tradicionalna žurka nad oblaki;) Tokrat en dan prej.
//Ko hodiš nad oblaki, pazi na vsak svoj korak ... //
Vse najboljše, N.!;)
sreda, 16. december 2009
Let it thaw, let it thaw, let it thaw (Kobenhavn, pt 2)
The weather INSIDE is frightful,
but the FIRE, oh, it's so delightful;
since we've no place to go,
it don't snow it don't snow it don't snow (anymore).
When we finally kiss goodnight,
I'll hate going out in the storm,
but If you only held me tight,
now it wouldn't be oh, so warm!
The Kobenhavn conference is frightful,
but the fire ... it's so delightful,
since we've no else but coal,
let it thaw, let it thaw, let it thaw?
sobota, 12. december 2009
Summer in the city
Summer in the city means cleavage cleavage cleavage
And I start to miss you, baby, sometimes
I've been staying up and drinking in a late night establishment
Telling strangers personal things
Summer in the city, I'm so lonely lonely lonely
So I went to a protest just to rub up against strangers
And I did feel like coming but I also felt like crying
It doesn't seem so worth it right now
And the castrated ones stand in the corner smoking
They want to feel the bulges in their pants start to rise
At the site of a beautiful woman they feel nothing but
Anger, her skin makes them sick in the night nauseaous, nauseaous, nauseaous
Summer in the city, I'm so lonely lonely lonely
I've been hallucinating you, babe, at the backs of other women
And I tap on their shoulder and they turn around smiling
But there's no recognition in their eyes
Oh summer in the city means cleavage cleavage cleavage
And don't get me wrong, dear, in general I'm doing quite fine
It's just when it's summer in the city, and you're so long gone from the city
I start to miss you, baby, sometimes
When it's summer in the city
And you're so long gone from the city
I start to miss you, baby, sometimes
I start to miss you, baby, sometimes
I start to miss you, baby, sometimes
Source: lyrics
Original song on you tube (one of the versions): song here.
sreda, 2. december 2009
Wow, popusti!

Že razmišljam, kaj si bom lepega kupil in kaj bom oblekel, ko bom vnovčil ta čudoviti novembrski popust. A pozor! Bonus v vrednosti 0.10 € lahko vnovčim ZGOLJ do 27. 12., zatorej: hitro po nakupih, kajne?
nedelja, 29. november 2009
Petra Cvelbar in MZT tečaj fotografije
  Da ne bom predolg; ta vikend, od petka pozno popoldne dalje smo imeli Fotografski tečaj/delavnico Mestne zveze tabornikov Ljubljana (MZT). Predavatelja sta bila Blaž in Muc (in imela sta lepe asistentke.)

petek, 27. november 2009
New Moon a.k.a. Chippendales: The Return
  (Didn't see you there, was busy thinking about all the rock-stone abs we've seen in cinema last night.)
  Yep, finally, thursday was here and thus Twilight: New Moon. Better than Twilight, but that's probably just because this time people on the screen were actually talking instead of just looking pretty and flabbergasted. (I Like the word, though I don't know where it came from...)
  Don't get me wrong, I like Twilight. One might go even as far as to say I'm sort of a fan, and I wouldn't dispute. But-uh, I dunno, lots and lots of pedowolves going around.
Oh, btw, if you haven't seen it, you gotta watch the trailer.
And then see the cracked trailer: here. Guinew Moon.
If you've seen it: see the funny trailer.
Oh, also this is quite nice: Laurent being a rastafari vampire. A guy dubbed over all the original scenes, it's hillarious. (The lips are a bit disgusting, but hey! who's judging?)
torek, 24. november 2009
Ljubezen gre skozi želodec
  Pa zdaj ne vem, ali sem jaz bolj počasen (oz. ne razmišljam kot ostali) ali pa ljudje to tako napačno predstavljajo in razumejo, da se skvari podoba o reklu, rečenici ali frazi. Dobro, obstaja tudi tretja možnost, da vsi vedo, kako je prav, ampak da se hecajo, češ, da gre za hrano. Talk for the babies, so to speak.
  Tako kot, vzemimo na primer, rek "v tretje gre Rado." Kam gre Rado? No, ampak res - vsi si predstavljajo, ponavadi vsaj tako izpade, da ljudje rečejo kot nekaj, kar nočeš, da se zgodi - češ, "ne izzivaj usode, če ne se bo nekaj zgodilo". Eeeeee, ravno obratno je: "v tretje se rado posreči" je mišljeno. (Vsaj tako mi je nek modrec enkrat razložil. Srečal sem ga visoko v gorah in imel je dolgo brado ... pa par slavistov mi je že to reklo, that's why.) Tako recimo, če mečeš laso na štor na drugi strani potoka (ok, morda slab primer ... ne vem za vas, ampak jaz to počnem vsako sredo in soboto, včasih pa še prvi ponedeljek v torku) in ti dvakrat ne rata, se reče: "V tretje gre Rado" in laso, kakopak, z imenom Rado, se zadrgne okoli štora. Jeeee!
  In ljubezen?
  "Lovaah! A trechearous thing!" (Davy Jones, Pirates of the Carribbean) Jah, ljubezen gre skozi želodec se mi je šele ravnokar pokazala v pravi luči (pa ne zato, ker bi jo čutil, sem pa razmišljal tako, malo jezikoslovno). Po mojem pomeni, da če je prava ljubezen, potem jo zagotovo čutiš tudi v želodcu - saj veste: metuljčki. Iiiiiiii. Ja, ok, calm down. Kajti tako močnih kemičnih reakcij, izgube spomina, spremembe metabolizma, povečana stopnja bazalnega metabolizma, hormoni levo in desnogor, svašta se dogaja in najmanj, kar je, je, da jo lahko/bi jo morali, če je prava, čutiti tam spodaj.
Ne, malce višje sem mislil. V želodcu, vi pokvarjenci.
ponedeljek, 23. november 2009
nedelja, 22. november 2009
The best of New Moon (Stephanie Meyer's Twilight "saga")
  Here are some of my favourite clips from the New Moon I read through the winding days of the summer.
/.../   Both Jacob and Mike had claimed the armrests on either side of me. Both of their hands rested lightly, palms up, in an unnatural looking position. Like steel bear traps, open and ready.
/.../   Jacob was back in a few seconds.
"Oh, he's in there, all right," he said, rolling his eyes. "What a marshmallow. You should hold out for someone with a stronger stomach. Someone who laughs at the gore that makes weaker men vomit."
"I'll keep my eyes open for someone like that." /.../
  I sighed, and then groaned when the sigh scraped my throat. I was reading too much into the story. Romeo wouldn't change his mind. That's why people still remembered his name, always twined with hers: Romeo and Juliet. That's why it was a good story. "Juliet gets dumped and ends up with Paris" would have never been a hit.

    His face turned bright red. He took a few deep breaths before he answered.
"Would you like to explain where you've been?"
Oh, crap. "There was… an emergency."
He raised his eyebrows in expectation of my brilliant explanation.
Of course, there are even better moments, but seems most of the best humour is set in book three (Ecplipse) and four (Breaking Dawn). And no, I'm NOT reading book five until she decides she'srun out of money or will to stall or both.
sobota, 21. november 2009
Crab Nebula
četrtek, 19. november 2009
Religions of the World ... unite! (enter 'bananas')
1. An unknown higher intelligence created our Universe.
2. We are all connected through the higher intelligence that created us all.
3. We evolve continuously as do our understandings and belief systems.
4. All forms of life need their space to live and evolve unhindered.
5. Our survival is dependent on the sustainable use of shared resources.
6. Our happiness is interdependent therefore equality is paramount.
7. We seek peace and confront problems head on using peaceful means.
8. We celebrate life with every fresh breath of air.
9. We own nothing but the life we are given.
What else, or what different?
sreda, 18. november 2009
Pijane študente domov trogat ...
  Pridem domov, pa vidim tam iz pločnika viseti študenta, nekega Simona iz Kamnika. (Upam, da nisem izdal preveč podatkov;)
Pa mu pomagam vstati, pa poizvem, kam je bil namenjen (mine 5 min, seveda).
Pa da bi šla midva naprej (še 5 min). Pa greva naprej, pa prideva do prave ceste, a do hišne številke 60. Ujej, hm ... pa 62. Ne, to pa ne bo več prav. (Hodiva že 20 min.)
  Pa ga pustim tam (itak je bil tako naklan, da je v bistvu zaspal v stoje, držeč se za ulično svetilko) in grem po avto - falila sva, mogla sva it do številke 2A.
  Pridem nazaj, naštimam avto, vrečko za vsak slučaj, odprem okno, ...
"Model - saj ne boš bruhal, ane?"
"Ne, ne, ..., ne."
"Aha ... no, lej: a bi rajš hodu al bi se rajš pelu?"
"Hodu ... spal."
Damn, ok, nisem tega hotu. "Errr ... okej - fulll je še daleč do tja. ... Aneda, da bi šu rajši z avtom, da bo hitreje? Jaz sem trezen, jaz lahko peljem."
"Ja, ok."
"Sam morš oblubit, da ne boš bruhal. Oz. da če boš ... okej, ko boš, da boš bruhal ČEZ okno ven?"

"Ja, oblubm. Oblubm."
  Pa greva v avto, pa se usedem, pa človek že bljuva neki ven - "VEN, čez okno se nagni! ... Tako, ja... čez okno. ŠE MAL naprej, ti se kar .. ja tako, ja."
  In pol, po eni uri skupne poti, se končno odpraviva naprej, on pa kot en kuža glavo ven čez okno in jaz "Tko, ja ... nočni zrak je fajn, ane? Tko, hladen, ane? MMm, ja, dobr, ja, ..."
  Pa ti prideva do številke 29, 27, 8, ... pa 6 (vmes sem se spomnil, da moram na drugo stran ulice gledat), pa parkiram avto. In ga vzamem ven in greva iskat številko 2A. Seveda je vmes ena velika stavba (kjer on kao študira, čeprav ni bil ziher, ali je geodezija ali geografija pomojem), pa hiše - DAMN! Napačna ulica, nazaj.
  Pa prideva nazaj, pa še kar nič od hiše 2A, ..., pa se men začne mal svitat, da pa morda njemu ni ravno za zaupat. Okej, vzamem telefon, pokličem 1188 ..
Seveda - nobenega Arha in podobnega priimka, ki mi ga je povedal Simon, ni bilo na tej ulici. "Hm, ..., kaj pa v Kamniku?" Noup. "Aha, okej - erm - hvala, lahko noč."
  In kaj naredim? Modela sem spravil na svoj armič, ki sem ga imel v avtu (že star, zbirateljske, arheološke vrednosti) in pod eno streho. Napišem še na listek nekaj kot: "Ni za kaj, ko se zbudiš, pokliči na: xxxyyyxxx ali pa pusti armič pri vratarju. Pa ne se ga več tako napit, ok? ;)"
Armič mam že nazaj, prejle sem ga šel iskat. Volk sit, koza pa ... očitno naspana;)
torek, 10. november 2009
It smels like teen spirit
Perhaps the photo's will make it onto their page (the company that imports thy ale into the land of Slovenien).

P.S.: I've got a digital camera.
P.P.S.: It's really cool.
P.P.P.S.: I mean, REALLY, really cool. (You get the picture, right?)
P.P.P.P.S.: You thought you got away with P.P.S.es, right? Well, not really.
(P.^5)S.: I also made a photoblog: aljobaljofoto - it's still rudimentary and photos aren't much, but I'm looking forward to making them better.
četrtek, 5. november 2009
They all go down a notch
I'm clipping this few lines that are a favourite of a friend of mine (Thanks, B.!):
Lois: Peter, what the hell is this?source: http://www.tv.com/family-guy/prick-up-your-ears/episode/830941/trivia.html
Peter: My chastity belt.
Lois: A chastity belt? What in God's name is that for?
Peter: I'm abstinent Lois, it's all in these pamphlets Meg brought home from school. Sex turns straight people gay, and Gays into Mexicans, everyone goes down a notch.

Castration for Polish Paedophiles Opposed
'This legislation is turning medical treatment into a form of punishment. We are not against the use of hormonal treatments to control the sexual impulses of those with a history of sexual violence, but we support its use as a treatment instead of a punishment, and it should be evidence-based and require the consent of the person undergoing the treatment.'vir: Rights: Castration for Polish Paedophiles Opposed.
  Oh, come on!
  I mean, just the other day (it was actually past Tuesday) we were debating with our professor on paedophile-mania we have in the world. NOW, the 1st grade teachers are not comfortable with touching 4, 5, 6, 7 year-olds, afraid of the act being labeled as pedophilia. HELLLO?
  I mean, If you're form a country with a long record of anti-pedophile propaganda in the media, can you just, for the sake of my arguments, cast yee judgements aside? See, here in S.LOVE.nia, this has not gone so far. Probably because the people have been more scared of a) coming out, b) telling the stories of harassment and so on, ... and so we haven't had many of those.
  BUT! A kid of 5 doesn't wear a tie in Slovenia and can barely tie his own shoes (different system;). How in the world is education supposed to be relaxing for the kid, educative even, and SAFE, if the teacher is not allowed (or is mortified by the fear of losing her/HIS job) to touch the child, say, in order to assist him/her with climbing on the playground.
  And this is also sexism! Male counterparts are practically all labeled "gay" and "pedophile", until proven otherwise. Come on, admit. Everyone has been eying everybody else differently in the past few years, since The March Of The Homosexuality and the pedophilia occurences.
  And just imagine: because of all the fear in the world and the people (the young parents and psychologists), a guy would be labeled a pedophile faster nowadays. According to some, it is best treated with hormones and drugs, to cure him of the notion.
/.../ Turing's homosexuality resulted in a criminal prosecution in 1952—homosexual acts were illegal in the United Kingdom at that time—and he accepted treatment with female hormones as an alternative to prison. /.../(Alan Turing (see wikipedia here) was one of the fathers of IT; contributed to Hut-8, a code-braking machine during WW2, promoted usage of algorithms ...)
  Imagine, just try to, that the guy/lady is innocent. HELLO?!
In dubio pro reo is what I'll say, before I go on for hours and hours.
torek, 20. oktober 2009
Meet the Robinsons and 86 years of Disney's Animation
  Apparently Walt and Roy Disney, brothers, set up a small studio on October 16th, 1923. As you probably know ... it has grown a bit since.
  Disney left us with magic that some of us have had a chance to get to know and grow up with. None of this modern, fast-motion, square robot mumbo-jumbo. Sure, the Ice Ages are OK, Shrek rules and et cetera. But if you compare even the latest Disney cartoon motion pictures and the olde ones (Lion King, Jungle Book, Robin Hood, Peter Pan, ...) you will see they had much more sense for background (probably the pressure on finishing the cartoon faster and faster nowadays is bigger, back then they just wanted to create the best they could so they really worked on that. (watch the youtube clip)
  Well, anyways, you can't top the top of the top, Disney's Classics are and will always be classics. Such as Aladdin. Absolutely amazing - saw it again after several years just Saturday past.
So - you can watch the Disney's Meet the Robinsons here.
sreda, 7. oktober 2009
Murder, She Wrote
  They JUST don't make them like they used to. The detective/suspense tv series you see nowadays are just ... average. Ok, some are probably good. Like ... Monk is really funny at times (I only saw the one with Snoop Dog, so I'm biased), but apart from that - what is there?
  Murder she wrote, with Angela Lansbury
  I really liked the older TV series. They had the suspense, they had actors and a bit of music. Like Columbo
  How come we are not sated nowadays? What happened to the good ole drama in sitcoms? Sure, you've got Dharma and Greg and we had Ally McBeal ... but it seems to me that the old ways have gone for good.
  Then again, the OLD is the new new! Look at the That's the 70s show - huge success, new tricks (split screen, flashbacks ... ok, we had that already).
Well, I could go on for hours, but I'll just say three more things:
  a) I just finished watching a movie, a thriller so to say, with Kevin Kline and Kevin Spacey, something about neighbors and murders and insurance company paying 1.5 million dollars (apparently at the time (1992) a fortune) - got it: Consulting Adults. And as it says one one of the pages available on the net, the 'plot was good, but a bad delivery'. Well, it made me think of how in the old times ... and here we are.
  b) I saw a movie once .. a black and white one. I watched it WITHOUT the sound, for the hour was late. The scene was set, close cadre filmed, on a flat piece of land, with a tree behind the main (?) and the main actress. And it shocked me, how they captured my attention, since I seldom get that feeling of 'caring' what the actors are doing, watching TV/going to the movies nowadays.
  c) I can conclude that good drama and plots will always attract audiences, the suspense will always capture their attention. So it's just a matter of a wining combination of actors and the former.
  d) I always thought of myself like the guy in that sitcom - the one who grew up watching TV ... and then had flashes all the time - the trick that Ally McBeal borrowed (Simpsons did it!).
U2 360° tour Zagreb, 10. 8. 2009
Been there, done that (pissed on a wall, actually) and HAVE got a T-shirt! And it was amazing (the concert, not the piss)! The stage was round (see below)... with a huge big screen - in search of a better word - "TV" all around, Bono, the Edge, and the other one (Adam Clayton) were walking above our heads, around us - for we (my friend and I) had the privilege to be in the red district. Sorry - it was called the red zone. (Actually, we came to the site so early, they just let us in and we got stamped ... and could go out to get beer and so forth and so on. (AND we pissed against the wall, when there was a HUGE line ... for the 40 toilettes of both genders.)
  So here's a link to the blog, where there are a couple of nice photos.
Definitely a MUST!
torek, 6. oktober 2009
The Best of Twilight
"Ladies first, partner?" Edward asked. I looked up to see him smiling a crooked smile so beautiful that I could only stare at him like an idiot.
  "Or I could start, if you wish." The smile faded; he was obviously wondering if I was mentally competent.
  "No," I said, flushing. "I'll go ahead."
  It was surprisingly difficult to concentrate on the road while feeling his gaze on my face. I compensated by driving more carefully than usual through the still-sleeping town.
  "Were you planning to make it out of Forks before nightfall?"
  "This truck is old enough to be your car's grandfather — have some respect," I retorted.
  In Phoenix, they held proms in hotel ballrooms. This dance was in the gym, of course. It was probably the only room in town big enough for a dance. When we got inside, I giggled. There were actual balloon arches and twisted garlands of pastel crepe paper festooning the walls.
  "This looks like a horror movie waiting to happen," I snickered.
  "Well," he muttered as we slowly approached the ticket table — he was carrying most of my weight, but I still had to shuffle and wobble my feet forward — "there are more than enough vampires present."  I looked at the dance floor; a wide gap had formed in the center of the floor, where two couples whirled gracefully. The other dancers pressed to the sides of the room to give them space — no one wanted to stand in contrast with such radiance. Emmett and Jasper were intimidating and flawless in classic tuxedos. Alice was striking in a black satin dress with geometric cutouts that bared large triangles of her snowy white skin. And Rosalie was… well, Rosalie. She was beyond belief. Her vivid scarlet dress was backless, tight to her calves where it flared into a wide ruffled train, with a neckline that plunged to her waist. I pitied every girl in the room, myself included.
  "Do you want me to bolt the doors so you can massacre the unsuspecting townsfolk?" I whispered conspiratorially.
  "And where do you fit into that scheme?" He glared.
  "Oh, I'm with the vampires, of course."
He smiled reluctantly. "Anything to get out of dancing."
torek, 29. september 2009
Zan Kuralt's fotoblog

Sicer pe je vredno ščekirat tudi facebook za tele zadeve - npr. zelo všečne so takele in podobne fotke.
ponedeljek, 21. september 2009
The Twilight Series ... errr .. saga
  Euphoria concerning the Twilight series or, as the most devoted worshippers call it, the Twilight saga, is about to begin anew. Aksew. For the tale that hath far from reached its end is to continue: the NEW MOON is closing in. (Trailer here.)On november the 20th, we shall see how (quote):
the Cullens, including her beloved Edward, leave Forks rather than risk revealing that they are vampyres, it is almost too much for eighteen-year-old Bella to bear, but she finds solace in her friend Jacob until he is drawn into a cult and changes in terrible ways.
Vos vestros servate, meos mihi linquite mores. (You cling to your own ways and leave mine to me.)
nedelja, 20. september 2009
Moj prvi orientacijski tek
  Ne vem točno, kaj sem si predstavljal. Saj že ime panoge razločno pove, kaj to je, mar ne? ORIENTACIJA + TEK = orientacijski tek! How hard is that to understand?
  No, poleg očitnega pomanjkanja kondicije, je bilo seveda prisotnih kar nekaj orientacijskih napak. Ampak sva bila z L**** vseeno zadovoljna - našla sva vse (če nimaš vseh KT-jev (KT=kontrolna točka), si avtomatsko izločen), on je bil celo četrti (od štirih), jaz pa sem tekmoval v kategoriji s tistimi, ki sem jih do sedaj vedno imel za polbogove orientacije, guruje, ki učijo in osvetljujejo pota nam nevednim in ne tako veščim orientacijskih veščin.
  Pa zaradi mokrote in čevlja in moje neumne kože na nogah sem dobil nekakšne vodne otiščance. Pa še ... ne, to je pa to;)
All in all: ZAKON!
sobota, 12. september 2009
Migratory paths of the Elk deer
  The purpose of me writing these lines is entirely obscure and probably doesn't even show up on the fate maps. It's probably safely stored in a prophecy, hidden somewhere on the vast shelves of the Departement of Mysteries.
    If you're by chance, wondering
    a) aimlessly around the town (or were, obivously, since NOW you seem to be reading these lines over here), I'm really sorry. You have to get over him/her. (Unless of course it is your life you want to get over (with) - then don't. Talk to someone. Do something fun or silly, type of things that you used to do as a kid and really enjoyed them. (If you really weren't a sycho and others were enjoying it as well, then you may do them.)
    b) why I mis-spelled 'wandering' I didn't. I was just wondering if you'd notice.
    c) WHY in the blazes am I using this many links, the answer would be: because I really like to point interesting thigs OUT, or to "say" a joke, without actually saying it ... or just because I would really like to find another person (preferably of the female gender) whose mind works like mine.
    d) what is the answer to Life, Universe and Everything, it's 42. Or actually it's 59 or 56 ... in another number system.
    e) why, oh, why have we not been contacted by any alien life forms, you may want to reconsider your question. We call Them A L I E N S . How on Earth would you feel if someone called you a freak for couple of hundred years and then they'd be telling you "sure, why don't you just drop by for a quick chat?"
    f) if Michael Jackson is still alive, I'd say no. Well, either that or have it your way and read Frédéric Beigbeger's 99 francs (or 14,99 €).
    g) how the hell do I do         this, I can tell you only this: it's Magic. (lol - it doesn't even show in the post. Right - I meant the spaces ... the empty spaces before words ... you type "& nbsp", altogether, without the space in between, and then you put two spaces after it and it works. (It used to irritate me, when I wanted to do this, but Blogger just didn't recognise what I was doing gramatically, so it just ignored my efforts to write as people should write;))
  I actually found a nice blog (Brian Sibley's blog), whilst searching for a favourite quote from Terry Pratchett's Discworld novel:
"When the tip of his staff passed, it left a line of glowing octarine, the EIGHTH colour of the spectrum, The Colour of Magic, the pigment of imagination."
ponedeljek, 31. avgust 2009
There is a god
Today, I was granted a wish - I can come and write an exam on Wednesday, without all the otherwise necessary prerequisites.
"Now all we have to do ... is wait until they are asleep ..."
"HOW LONG IS THIS GOING TO TAKE!?!!" //King Julian, self-proclaimed leader of the lemurs ..
No, but really: universe kept it's part of the deal - it granted my wish. Now I have to grant my wish myself, by my work and sweat of my brow. Let's get down to business, to defeat the Huns! Hoo!
ponedeljek, 24. avgust 2009
Dojenci 2 ali "Lej ga, saj je kot bančnik"
"Plešo ma in tri podbradke!"
  Razlog za smeh ali jok v današnjem svetu včasih niti ni tako točno določen - a jaz skoraj vedno

  - lahko bi osvajal in prefinjeno opolzko govoril z vsemi mladimi dekleti in mamicami
  - lahko bi pokal šale na sestankih, kjer se trudijo bit resni
  - lahko bi se pritoževal nad mladino, tedajci upravičeno, ta svojat nemarna sodobna!
  - bil bi faca, ker bi imel Facebook in aktivno uporabljal gmail
  - bil bi luzr, ker bi hodil v tretji letnik faksa ;)
  - dobil bi popust za karto za avtobus, vlak, ..., termalne toplice (a ja, ne! Tam ne bi - tam služijo na starih ljudeh!)
  - bil bi car, ker bi bil še vedno pri tabornikih (TABORNIKI SMO ZAKON! (Če nisi tabornik ali skavt, potem tega ne moreš komentirat ... pač, sori.))
  - bil bi super dedek, na splošno in zato, ker bi si dal delat tattoo;)
  Ah ... komaj čakam.
Impotenca, here I come! Hm ... pa seksi povešene joške ...
23,95 down, 46 to go;)
sreda, 19. avgust 2009
The Umbilical Brothers
The Umbilical Brothers: Close up / Long Shot tukaj
Bathroom: tukaj.
Traffic Cop: here.
Dave's journey (from Yoda to E.T. and uderwater tank break-out: here.
ponedeljek, 10. avgust 2009
V bistvu je v svojih vzdihljajih, ampak gre samo še na gor! Mulci se imajo super, vodniki takisto ('malce' je sivih las v zvezi z naročanjem in prejemanjem hrane ter urami, določenimi za spanje, but all in all, it's GREAT!). Priložena slika je ta od Bubija in Mojce in še ene punce, katere ne vem imena. Fotka sicer ni iz Zleta 2009 (prejšnji je bil leta 2002), je pa podobno noro super fajn!
ZDej pa na U2-je! (In seveda nazaj na Zlet za še en, zadnji dan! Woo-hooo!;))
četrtek, 9. julij 2009
Degradable plastic bags
They even have concession guys doing it in our little country.
torek, 23. junij 2009
Lynx Brought Back from the Brink
Posredujem povezavo do zanimivega laičnega članka o iberskih risih:
P.S.: Za naravovarstveno-praktične ljudi še nasvet: ne boste verjeli, kaj piše v zadnjem odstavku intervjuja (2. stran) :)
nedelja, 7. junij 2009
Samomori zaradi dvojine
No, in ti pride med tekmo trenutek, [vmes se normalno malo pogovarjava], ko opazim, da govori 'pogađaj', 'ima dva bacanja' ... In povprašam očeta, saj se mi je zdelo vedno čudno, ko sem v hrvaščini uporabljal dvojino - nekja mi ni povsem šlo v račun, pa nisem vedel, kaj.
Oč: "... dva bacanja, tri bacanja, četri bacanja, ni dvojine."Tako, zdaj veste:) Vzrok ni alkoholizem, niti ženske, še manj pa jajca, ki jih surova za zajtrk mažejo slovenski politiki. Vzrok je dvojina. Pa žive meje, but that's another story.
Jaz: "In JEDNO bacanjE?"
Oč: "Ja, ane." "Saj smo tukaj daleč naokoli edini, ki imamo dvojino."
A: "Italijani je nimajo, ane?"
Oč: "Ah, kje pa!"
A: "Morda kaki ugrofinci al pa kej tacga.."
"Matr, smo zafrknjeni, ej!"
Oč: "Ja,kompliciramo, tko kot vedno, saj zato imamo pa toliko samomorov."
In še:
Oč:"Če ne bi včeraj v tistem filmu zvedel, da 'zdaj ni čas za pesimizem' (Home oz. Zemlja - naš dom, op. a.), bi se že obesil."
sreda, 3. junij 2009
sobota, 4. april 2009
Babies ... yuck! (Or is it?)
Poleg uvodne rime, ki dejansko odslikava resnico, se skriva v besedi še veliko več. V bistvu se iz besede zrcali prihodnost, upanje, sanje, spokojnost, smeh, ..., pa tudi razočaranje, jok, potrebe in podobne lepe besede.
Zakaj sem se naenkrat tako raznežil? Jah, valda. Po dolgem času sem šel na blog sošolke, ki je postala mamica ... In človeka kar prevzame. (Lahko jo poiščete med blogi prijateljev spodaj desno.)
How they get to be so cute? Gee whizz, I dunno. Because they Rrrr;)
Ah, hotu sem napisat nekaj nenadkriljivo bistroumnega in humoroidnega, pa mi je ušlo, ko sem iskal slikice, kot je tale zgoraj. Sem pa našel spodnji link do Xkcd.comics ... sem o tem že pisal.
In tudi tole pride na pamet (oz. je prišlo na pamet temu tipu, ki dela tele stripe): http://xkcd.com/441
petek, 27. marec 2009
Dvoživke na Večni poti
Tukajle nekaj utrinkov z reševanja dvoživk, ki jih vsako leto masakrirajo avtomobili na cestah in poteh po Sloveniji. Slike posnete na oz. ob Večni poti (pod Rožnikom, pri ljubljanskem Zoo-ju).
Sicer več informacij dobite lahko na blogu dvoživk na Večni poti (link: Dvoživke na Večni), pa tudi na spletni strani Društva za preučevanje dvoživk in plazilcev Slovenije (Societas herpetologica Slovenica) ter drugih straneh ("poscrollaj" na dno objave).
Zakaj prenašati dvoživke? ... Ker jedo in so jedene, torej so del ekosistema, so zaščitena skupina (vse vrste) v Sloveniji (z evropsko oz. slovensko zakonodajo), ker so, poleg črnih točk dodatno ogrožene še ali predvsem zaradi izginjanja zanje primernih habitatov (mlake, mokrišča, stoječe ali počasi tekoče sladke vode, ..., mokri travniki, gozd, ...). Problematični so predvsem (s)prehodi med mestom prezimovanja oz. zimskega mirovanja in mrestišči. Spomladi se namreč odpravijo na parjenje v vode, nekatere dvoživke se nato vrnejo v gozdne habitate, nekatere ostanejo v vodi; druga velika selitev pa sledi jeseni, ko se generacija mladih odpravlja v gozd.
Ko prideš prepozno ...

- Akcije "Pozor, žabe na cesti!"
- Črne točke za dvoživke na cestnih odsekih v severni Sloveniji
- Inventarizacija dvoživk (Amphibia) v Krajinskem parku Tivoli, Rožnik in Šišenski hrib - CKFF [pdf]
četrtek, 12. marec 2009
Zakaj pri nas ni superjunakov?
Ne bom izgubljal časa (ironično, časa, pišem pa "internetni dnevnik") z pisanjem o tem, zakaj že toliko časa nisem pisal, ampak kar direktno:
Lahko bi vrgel/ustrelil mrežo na eno drevo, ampak res mu ne bi pomagalo, ker ni ničesar višjega - kvečjemu naslednje drevo, ki je še nižje, ali pa hiša (ki je nižja od obeh dreves). Kaj manjka? Nimamo enega huge mesta, polnega zlikovcev in visokih stolpnic (ki so tako prikladne za reševanje ljudi, ko se vržejo dol). Velemesto je tudi predpogoj, da lahko super-zlobnež drži na primer ... avtobus, poln ljudi nad svojo glavo ali pa poskrbi, da bo definitivno treščil vlak iz nedokončanega tira in ga bo superjunak moral reševati (in bo zlikovec medtem ... muahaha!!.. ropal banko).
(Mislite, da si Batman, ko si takoel zvečer ogleduje Gotham, misli: "Uuu, me prav zanima, s katere stolpnice se bom mogu danes vreči, da bom lahko razprl svoja nova krila ali pa uporabil pas z netopirčkom in vrvico?!")
Sedaj si pa zamislite tipično slovensko vasico ... x = manj kot 50 hiš, vsi poznajo vse.. Če bi imeli Supermena, bi garant vsi takoj vedeli. (Franci Lojzetu: "Ja! Sem gledu njegovo bajto, kuko še vedno ni popravu tistga odtoka, pa pogledam stran, ti, pol pa spet takoj nazaj, pa not luči pa on doma! Ti, pa prej nobenga nikjer, ti pravm!"
Tudi zato se veliko bolj splača biti v velemestu - tam je vsaj stalno kaj za delat, če si superjunak. No, razen, če si dolenjski superman, teh je pa tudi pri nas (in povsod drugod z bogato pivsko tradicijo) veliko.
torek, 13. januar 2009
Kam bi pa vi radi odšli in morda tam ostali?
Vsak od nas ... ali pa se vsaj tako zdi (ko je ura po polnoči;) ima nek kraj, za katerega verjame, da je nekako .. njegov, svet zanj/-o. Da se malce jasneje izrazim: kraj, kamor bi rad šel in za katerega je v močnih dvomih, da ne bi morda tam celo ostal. (Dvojno zanikanje, Slovenija moja doma, yeah!)
Milo se mi je storilo pri srcu (in zdaj se mi bo še šampon, ko tole pišem), ko sem poslušal in gledal enega prejšnjih postov o levjem kralju (This land) - me namreč vedno spomni na Afriko (gee, I wonder why?). Kot nekakšno slonje pokopališče. Ma ne, to ne, ker želim umreti čez 101 ob sončnem zahodu nekje drugje (not telling:). Bolj recimo, me Afrika privlači kot dežela, kjer bi rad delal, živel. Tako, med "lokalci". (Ki nosijo Nike zgulene superge in Adddidass hlače iz 90-ih).
In vi? A bi? A si/ste? Egipt ima že kljukico pri meni, a to je malodane Arabski svet, skorajda nima veze z Afriko, če izvzamem pokrajino Nubijo (?) na skrajnem jugu, od koder se Nambiske (?) peščine res lepega peska razprostirajo do Sudana ...
Skrbijo me edinole lepi sončni zahodi.. In iskreni nasmehi .. ter živi ljudje, igrivi otroci, onesnažena in kristalno čista voda, ..., zvoki živali ponoči, nosorogi, Serengeti, Nairobi, Kilimanjaro, kotlina Kongo, Slonokoščena, vonj jasmina, kolibriji, sloni in levi, domorodci, ki še lovijo z loki in pojejo .. in plešejo. Ter ploskajo, predvsem ploskajo in bobnajo ...
To me resnično skrbi.
Pa ne zato, ker zaradi zgornjih besed tja ne bi šel - ne, zato, ker se zaradi njih od tam ne bi več vrnil. ;)
Feel free to comment - Komentiraj, bitte;)
petek, 9. januar 2009
My whale and I ... not what you think
Was said by the ever-green (ha, irony) George Carlin (click for the you-tube), now I diminish it's importance (not really) by saying it out loud (ha, irony - IT'S A BLOG, FOR F*'S SAKE!!") as an intro to a new post.
It actually happened. I know it's kind of silly, and I can hear a lot of doubts and debates being created over this in the upcoming years (months or minutes more likely), but I'll still say it. (If you really want to know what it is, you should just scroll down cause it will take me a while.)
I never painted the streets red - I painted them with GUT! ;) Yeah - successfully installed the Game of the Year .. 1998 more like it;) HALF-LIFE 2. Oh, yeah, baby!
What is more, I did it on the PC, the home computer (not The Big L - Laptop) and thus my creations will soon be obliterated - for Nothing is coming and soon all of the Alagaësia will be .. err ... Narnia will be .. err ... Neverland? Wait, i have it: Fantasia or Fantastica (yeesh)!
Eraser (not The One with Swarzi) is soon to Strike ... the domicile of the once humble me. Well, to say plainly, yes, infested by the evil virus-like creature from Inner Space, the First Frontier, the Doorstep to ... well, World Wide Web (some credit for which, Al Gore can actually take).
The purpose of this writing is to say:
I'm sorry. But not really. I mean, I am - for I have spoken a lot, too much even (boastfull in the dictionary has my picture under it for 2008) and not always in the best interest of the little people. Desiderata is what I mean. (The actual 'poem' here.)
But, alas (or better - fortunately!), I had a great time nevertheless. From August till December, November, I've been having my ... second puberty and oh, boy! it was wild:)
So - in the words of great Bilbo Baggings, I say it again:
(Here's the link I found during the search for the quote itself - a rather useful link, one (a complete wacko for theonering.com, I sould say - The Bag End.)
It is also, if I may be allowed to refer to ancient history, the anniversary of my arrival by barrel at Esgaroth on the Long Lake; though the fact that it was my birthday slipped my memory on that occasion. I was only fifty-one then, and birthdays did not seem so important. The banquet was very splendid, however, though I had a bad cold at the time, I remember, and could only say ‘thag you very buch’. I now repeat it more correctly: Thank you very much for coming to my little party. Obstinate silence. They all feared that a song or some poetry was now imminent; and they were getting bored. Why couldn’t he stop talking and let them drink his health? But Bilbo did not sing or recite. He paused for a moment.
Source: EXCERPT, "A LONG-EXPECTED PARTY" from LoTR, from the DEL REY page.
So ‘thag you very buch’ ;) All for coming to the New Years Party - it was splendid. A couple of people almost got shot by the lopsided rockets, but hey! Life's a journey, not a destination, eh? :) (A sad journey it would be, to go to the hospital on the New Year's;)
Thank you very much: Dear All, you've stuck with me through my times of ravishing. It is now upon me to return the favor, it should seem;)
Oh, and - about the Whale - I was about to write something about the pencil sharpeners, since I just threw one away and had to suppress the happy thoughts of jubilation and wild cheers, ringing in my head (for I do not throw up .. er ... away things so easily;) but I will have that in mind for one of the posts in the upcoming years, days, nights, ... probably nights, now that I come to think about it.

Well, the whale (ie, my desktop) and I wish you a 'bery habby New Year 2009'!
četrtek, 1. januar 2009
Mail neznanemu prijatelju
Sklepam, da sva se vseeno slišala v zadnjih dneh (meni so se noči zlile z dnevi in dnevi med seboj spojili v neverjetne objeme in res ne vem, kje je bilo kaj ...)
Jah, tudi jaz slutim, da bom letos še (2009) veliko šetkal po mestu.
Sam ... in z razpokami na zunanji strani ovoja od srca, ki pa še vseeno bolijo.
Morda se pa vmes srečava kdaj.
Dobro, da imam vsaj eno stvar fiksno, ki me pomirja - telovadba 2 na teden.
Vse ostalo je tolk v luftu, ej, matr vola, ej!
Nič, danes nisem ravno najboljše volje oz. sem bil do nekega trenutka.
Pa sem preveč utrujen za branje Lorda, se mi res ne ljubi ...
na tv. .. film gledat mi tudi ni. Streljal bi aliene v špilu za komp, pa ne dela, iz neznanih razlogov, bah!
Jaz se vdajam noči. Spet.
Prekleto srce. In "nespečnost".
Še dobro, da je svet izumil akohol in da ga je še vedno kaj najti po novem letu.