Da ne bom predolg; ta vikend, od petka pozno popoldne dalje smo imeli Fotografski tečaj/delavnico Mestne zveze tabornikov Ljubljana (MZT). Predavatelja sta bila Blaž in Muc (in imela sta lepe asistentke.)

... simply me - zdej me vidiš, zdej me ni, sem vse, kar se ti (mi) zdi, urejam blog, zdej spet ne, pa sej to je to - kaj hočeš še?
Lois: Peter, what the hell is this?source: http://www.tv.com/family-guy/prick-up-your-ears/episode/830941/trivia.html
Peter: My chastity belt.
Lois: A chastity belt? What in God's name is that for?
Peter: I'm abstinent Lois, it's all in these pamphlets Meg brought home from school. Sex turns straight people gay, and Gays into Mexicans, everyone goes down a notch.
'This legislation is turning medical treatment into a form of punishment. We are not against the use of hormonal treatments to control the sexual impulses of those with a history of sexual violence, but we support its use as a treatment instead of a punishment, and it should be evidence-based and require the consent of the person undergoing the treatment.'vir: Rights: Castration for Polish Paedophiles Opposed.
/.../ Turing's homosexuality resulted in a criminal prosecution in 1952—homosexual acts were illegal in the United Kingdom at that time—and he accepted treatment with female hormones as an alternative to prison. /.../(Alan Turing (see wikipedia here) was one of the fathers of IT; contributed to Hut-8, a code-braking machine during WW2, promoted usage of algorithms ...)
Fotka je intelektualna - in verjetno še kaka last Zvoneta Šeruge. Vse pravice pridržane zanj/-njo.