torek, 30. september 2008
EKOSISTEMI – povezanost živih sistemov
Pripenjam novičko:
Zavod RS za Šolstvo in Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport v okviru projekta Raznoliki pristopi k posodabljanju naravoslovnih predmetov tudi letos organizirata mednarodni posvet Biološka znanost in družba, ki nadaljuje z lani začetim uvajanjem sodobnih znanj in sistemskega pristopa v obravnavo živih sistemov v šolsko prakso. Letos pri organizaciji posveta sodelujeta tudi Društvo biologov Slovenije in agencija ARAO. Mednarodni posvet EKOSISTEMI – povezanost živih sistemov Tema letošnjega posveta Biološka znanost in družba je EKOSISTEMI – povezanost živih sistemov. Program bo usmerjen v celostno predstavitev osnovnih bioloških konceptov v zvezi z živimi sistemi, njihovim razvojem, metabolizmom in interakcijami na različnih organizacijskih ravneh. Na okroglih mizah bo razprava o nujnosti uvajanja sodobnih znanj in sistemskega pristopa pri obravnavi živih sistemov in pomenu splošnega biološkega znanja za sodelovanje v procesih odločanja in reševanja problemov (zavedanju naraščajočega pomena široke splošne biološke izobrazbe za posameznika in družbeno odločanje)..
bo potekal 2. in 3. oktobra 2008
v konferenčni dvorani Poslovne hiše GIO,
Dunajska 160, 1000 Ljubljana.
Na njem bodo sodelovali priznani tuji in domači predavatelji s področja biološke znanosti in družboslovnih znanosti.
Za prevajanje bo poskrbljeno.
Ko bi vsaj vsi na svetu razmišljali indijansko. Wikipedia: Cree prophecy.
četrtek, 25. september 2008
Two of the greatest minds in history of .. humans
Še David Beckam se je totalno slabše odrezal.
Da ne govorimo o "Science, Techmology ..." = ZDA kreacionistu of the day:
Ali G Harvard SPeech:
prof. Noam Chomsky
Sasha Baron Cochen a.k.a. Ali G, a.k.a. Borat a.k.a. Brüno
Lp, A
Visit the blog:
Postan ti sam! //Murat&Jose
Pedološke in vegetacijske razmere so v glavnem odvisne od klime, ki je pri nas humidna. Od 1500 mm padavin jih odteče okoli 1000, in tako iz porečja Soče nad Solkanom odteče na leto več vode (60 L na sekundo s km2 porečja) kot iz porečja Amazonke, reke vlažnega ekvatorialnega podnebja. (vir: Gams, I. (1999): Geografske znač. Slov.)
Ko smo aktivisti koncu devetdesetih let v Nubskih gorah sredi Sudana odkrili, da največja humanitarna akcija vseh časov /…/ ne dosega največjih žrtev genocida, ampak zbrano pomoč v Nubskih gorah sudanska vlada spretno manupulira v tako imenovana »taborišča miru« pod nadzorom mudžahidov s tesnimi zvezami z Bin Ladnom, /…/ ne uporabljajo samo v korist svojih družin, ampak /…/ za povrh uporabljajo za vabo in past v katero lovijo nedolžne nage poganske družine z obleganih in od sveta odrezanih gora, v katerih z arabizacijo in islamizacijo preproste dečke spreobračajo v janičarje, deklice pa v priležnice višjih oficirjev … /Tomo Križnar
Me and ... special days, ie. 'the best of':)
Sedaj delam dva šihta. ? Ker mi sede in ker vem, kaj bom počel z denarjem, ki ga dobi(va)m: potovanja, fotič, ..., jadranje in morda še surfanje poleg povratnih sredstev za tečaj španščine;)
Je že tako, da so kljub morda dolgim letom obstoja te misli in teorije/prakse, misli rei-ki prišle do mene v bolj eksplicitni obliki šele sedaj, to je pretekli vikend. A vztrajam pri tem, da se lahko, kdor se hoče, nauči vseh modrosti življenja iz opazovanja sebe, drugih, in kakega procesa ali dveh (npr. rast fižolove vitice, let albatrosa nad gladino, ..)
To, da me je vesolje poskusilo naučiti re-i-ki ja, in da je to storilo preko O alquimista, Le petit prince, Bratovščine (obeh, oba treh [Le coupe de la loupe], Seigneur des anaux, Bratovščina Sinjega galeba), morda je imel prste zraven tudi De Amicis, definitivno pa so jih imeli ata in mama, Al Gore, Vinetou, in podobni (Marlo Morgan, Naomi Kline, strica Noam in Noah (kot Evan iz Evan the Almighty), in mnogi drugi.)
Vse se da, če se hoče, "bistvo je očem skrito". Je pa ni. Videti se ga dá, in to preprosto, kajti za Rider's view into matters, yes, you need more than just your avarage you, ampak vpogled v ljudi in dogodke tipa John Gray, za to pa ne rabiš bit nekaj orto u nulo. (lol, kek, rofl) In še nasvet: ne brat te knjige kot obadva skupaj .. oz. vsak zase, ampak oba jo morata prebrati.
Kakorkoli, Whenever, wherever je rekla že (seksi) teta Shakira in .. se kar strinjam z njo.
Love lifts us up where we belong!
ponedeljek, 22. september 2008
Turles! (Tortoises)
© WWF-EARPO/Kimunya Mugo
Tagging Turtles in Kenya
Three among these species - Green turtle (Chelonia mydas), Hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata) and Olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea) nest and the other two - Loggerhead (Caretta caretta) and Leatherback (Dermochelys choriacea) have been reported to feed within the Lamu Archipelago.
Over the years, WWF has mobilized the communities to protect the marine turtles both at sea and on the beaches. This August marked the official launch of the sea turtle satellite radio telemetry program in Kiunga Marine National Reserve. Learn more about this turtle tagging program and how the strategic use of scientific monitoring is helping to improve management and conservation of natural resources along the Kenyan Coast.
1. By-catch by local fishermen as well as semi¬-industrial fisheries
2. Poaching of turtle meat and eggs
3. Marine pollution
4. Disturbance from new tourism developments
5. Targeted catching (turtling culture) by coastal communities
6. International trade in turtle products
7. Alteration and destruction of nesting beaches and habitats
8. Naturally slow rate of recovery of various populations under different levels of exploitation and stress.
F r e e ... a t l a s t.
[The above link, ie., the anthropological view of the matter, has not been checked by me, so ... at your own risk. And meaning also, that it doesn't necessarily reflect my own opinion(s).]
More about it soon, but: AUGUST 2008 and everything that follows May 2008 and now sept. '08 is just awesome.
Peace out!
petek, 19. september 2008
nedelja, 14. september 2008
Not the end of the world? Well, It's the NEW Large Hadron Collider, LHC
(Just kidding.)
(/What?! You think it's inappropriate to joke of these things? Watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre or any of the 'horror' and thriller movies they're playing right now, like for exaple esta pelicula, and tell me: the murders in Australia, one year ago, Austria, year and a half, Magdaline, ... McCauli Caulkin was just a petty begining, people. So don't tell me of jokes in the modern, "civilised" world, OK?!)
Some info:
7 terra ... something,
14 terra other; near-the-speed-of-light-travel-of-protons, 7 000 something other and 14 000 other ... It's sounds very educated. I dig it. Can you?;)
Oh yeah, and you should see Dan Brown's video on "The end of the world .. tomorrow?!!!"
US "making progress" towards ... East
And a map, for those of you, less prone to Uncle Google searchings: map of Pakistan.
And map of the region .. here.
Now. Tell me: how ignorant do you have to be to not notice the fine location and ... next-one-to-another-fulness of Afganistan, Iraq, Iraq, Pakistan, India (Kashmir) and Iran, to finish with? (Alright, granted, people even get paranoid .. but people don't make mistakes - I wouldn't say if there was ... an experiment of some sorts.. I don't know - in US or Russia or Cern, ..., and I bet my head no one would say, in this modern day and age: "Uh, the world's going to end like - tomorrow!!!" Nobody, 'cause people read, right? They .. think, before they act, they ... educate themselves before they let blabber leave their mouth. Right? Right?:)
It's pretty obvious, though:
I heard from some people - can't remember exactly, who, but: I heard that perhaps the US&A will "look into ... say... 'freedom situation' in Iran." Yeah, Iran as well. Here comes Sammy!
That's why we need Barrack Obama, ASAP, as soon as possible. Well, heeeellllooooo, november 2008!
sobota, 13. september 2008
Blogger's detention ... and why my middle name is D.
//Thank ... somebody .. for Mike Myers. Let him "go forth and multiply";)
Thing is .. noone can say and really mean it: ...
Being a blogger is apparently quite an exciting way to go. ;) (To the prison. Oh, I'm sorry - is "prison" not a "politically correct" word? Sorry.
prisonprisonprisonprisonprisonprisonjailprisonprisonprisonprisonjail) Lol. Whoops. Sometimes my tongue just goes off with the fairies on its own.
But that's my point: how politically correct do you need to be, in order to be let
Think about it.
And then tell me if names like ... Jani Sever, Bob Kennedy, Diana (The 'Princes'), and stuff like that has anything to do with the gist, the topic? Probably not. I'm just asking, I don't know. I'm just saying that they could have anything in common.
And then tell me ... Is it really weird the types of modern day diseases we're facing?
This, my friends, is Why I for one, think living your life to the foolest ... erm ... fullest is really something worth doing.
Ko bi vsaj vsi na svetu razmišljali indijansko. Wikipedia: Cree prophecy.
And now - somebody really clever has obviously had an enlightening chat with so from the post office and made a discovery: S LOVE nia .. wow. No way, really!
And thus, the "I feel SLOVEnia" slogan was born. Pathetic. But o.k., really.
(By the way, d'you know what and where OK comes from?)
But really - I think I'll kind of get to hate google's blogger for this. Why? Well, you can set the date of the post, can't you? And even this is on the 13th of september 2008, somebody, after they steal Simply Slovenia from me, will say - naah, you did it after-wards. Well, f*** it! It's about time for me to get to know the patent office and stuff;)) Want my money, man.
petek, 12. september 2008
Dva nova huda bloga
(Ko smo ze ravno pri tem: zadnjič sem dobil mail z linkom do enega bloga, kjer je bilo na precej zabaven, takorekoč sosledičen način nanizanih nekaj podatkov o "uslugah", ki nam jih je s svojim dobrim delovanjem (no, o kvaliteti tukaj ne bi, sliko si ustvarite sami) naredila SDS in vladajoča koalicija. MMMmmmphmm. In ko sem zadnjič gledal njihovo samo-promocijsko brošuro, sem se moral malce nasmejati;) Kajti ... izgledalo je, kot da so naredili samo dobro. Smešno. Jaz pa sem imel vtis ...
Taka pač je medijska in politična realnost, kajne? "Kar ne poveš, ga/je ne boli." "Kar ne veš, te boli." "Če ne vedo, pa jim povemo samo dobre stvari = delno resnico, potem bodo zadovoljni in bodo volili .. " Hecno, res. No, trženje pač.
Ampak škoda, ker se premalo ljudi zanima za take stvari in je premalo aktivne javnosti (pustimo zdaj Tonniesa in Splichala, Jorgesa in Habermasa ... - ene ali več javnosti, pač), ki bi se aktivno udeleževala (vsaj v krogu mnenjskih voditeljev lokalne skupnosti ali vsaj v družini) politočno-gospodarskih debat. In naj se ne obrača Hanna Arendt! Ah, ja.
No, za zaključek pa: "nekaj lepega, nežnega .. ne bom reku osladnega, ker bi reku preveč-"
"Boljše, da ne, ker nas je več kot tebe!"
"Heh he - zelo v redu." //Jure Longyka in Zmelkoow - Izštekani na Valu 202
Luka Snoj na dejansko zna fotkat (ali pa ima prijatelje, ki to znajo bolje od njega ... ali pa oboje;) V dokaz: fotka zgoraj in tale:
In še en foto blog: Peter Mlakar .. ne vem pa kaj dosti več povedati o njemu. Ampak čist kul:
(No, vsaj Jean Baptiste Poquelin Molière bi se strinjal...)
Chan Chan 2 ... aljo style
Dobesedno. Nima še imena, ampak .. si zasluži pa aplavz. Seveda je govora o kitari;)
Torej - Compay Segundo /Buena Vista Club Social: Chan Chan.
Se link do strani na 911 tabs: here.
ponedeljek, 8. september 2008
Chan Chan - Compay segundo, Buena Vista club Social, Cubismo ...
In še video verzija s slabšim zvokom:
9/11 after 7 years
Thing is, see - even though I was a wee bit younger, I still remember myslef crying out on that Tuesday: "This wasn't just the planes! The whole thing collapsed so neatly -- it's like when they're demolishing buildings ... and they don't want any additional, heh, collateral damage ... That's when they do THIS:
Now I'm not saying this is an official view of things, neither it is my own. I'm just saying that some people put stuff on the internet. For it just so happens, that The Twins ... well, let's just say that they 'went down' rather neatly. Peculiar, eh?
And inaccordance with what was just said (- funny, there's also a clip on you-tube - well, more of them ... you could also try searching u-tube 4: "the hidden mystery on the 20 $ bill" - bu that is just bollocks, I say.), a video post bellow speaks for itself. Not that I share any of the anti-government views or conspiracy theories involved and mentioned. No. (The largest conspiracy is that of the Polar bears that want to take charge of Coca - cola: supposedly they're moving the huge amounts of ice from the polar caps, to unknown location of the new Coca-Cola factory site in Guadaloupe or something. Weird. :)
četrtek, 4. september 2008
Ike & Josephine Turner? Get it? ;)
Yeah. The title itself is rather meaningful already, but for those less experienced in subtle messages detection, I'll be straight (I am, anyway. Not that I don't support them;), I LOVE them ... as friends and acquaintances, for sure).
I said, not from geometeorological data but merely from ... a hunch. The name Ike has "historical" written all-over it. And If Ike will be anything like Ike, then ... we .. whooops - they're in for an awful lot of "inconveniance".
I'd like to comment also on the oil prices: the gist being - (also see my previous posts) - how can they still do this and people buy it? It means that the political will of the so-called free nation(s) and their willingness to open up their minds .. has just gone down the drain. Probably sometime when Valentine's day was promoted madly (see wikipedia and delve into the history a bit, back to the days of joyful celebration (and whatnot), lupercalia, in Roman Empire's times.).
... ? ...