Včeraj je bila žurka generacije 2000/2004, prav fletno.
Vsi smo se strinjali, da je prav nespodobno, da smo že 5 let čez maturo in da nekako ni pošteno, ker smo ... res da, povečini že na koncu faksa, velika manjšina že v službah, ... še vedno - ali pa se vsaj počutimo - stare 17, 18, 19 let.
Zakaj Regina Spektor? Ker je par njenih komadov totalno norih in ker smo se včeraj videli s sošolkami (in 2mi sošolci .. don't ask), med njimi tudi Anjo (njen blog, poln skromnosti), ki me je pred dobrim polletjem navdušila Zanjo. (Regino, kakopak.)
(Pa NE ME LOVIT za njene besede, ker res, mi je ravno do ... Kosova;) Em ja, enkrat me vprašaj, dragi bralec/bralka, akoravno me že poznaš, od kje pride ta izraz, ta fraza "ravno do Kosova";)) Je kar fletna, se strinjam, ja. (wink wink, nudge nudge)
I give yooh: Regina Sssspekkkttttorrrrr wuuuuuaaaah;)
petek, 28. november 2008
četrtek, 27. november 2008
This land (Disney's: THE LION KING)
Say what you will, BUT (cute one, too:) Lion King is probably the BEST motion picture cartoon ever made by Walt Disney (studios), in their golden era, which can, thus, easily surpass the cartoons of today, made by Dreamworks, ...
Ok, ok .. I admit - let's put the words "in its zanre", because there's the Ice Age, Shrek, Madagascar, Happy Feet and things like that.
So - Lion King is THE best in the 'olden ways' of how they made them.
It has been a phenomenon, though - never has a cartoon amassed so much audience through the years, I'd say. But it was exceptionally successful, as well: last time I saw the data, (it was well over 4 years ago), it was OVER 400 bilion us dollars worldwide, which is and was unimaginable for the time. (That is, for a cartoon to go as far.)
So, I give it to thee: the last scene in the picture, with music from Hans Zimmer (click here for official discography), his web page here. HE, for yee of little faith, has made MUSIC. And also quite good one, I can add. Almost in the league of Great John Williams, whom my friend and I discovered a couple of years ago (say roughly ten).

Zimmer has written, or has been a music producer for, among others, films like: Pirates of the Carribbean, Batman: The Dark Night, As good as it gets (Jack Nicholson!!), Gladiator (Russel Crowe), Perfect Storm, Thin Red Line, Broken Arrow (Kurt Russel?), The Rock (Sean Conrey, etc.), Twister, Cool Runnings, Thelma&Louise, Bird on a wire (with Mel Gibson), Rain Man (Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman).
Getting the idea, right?
Well, not quite, see. Latter of his creations include: The Kung-fu Panda, Angels and Demons (not yet out), Madagascar2, Iron Man, Simpsons the Movie, The DaVinci Code, Madagascar, Batman Begins, Shark Tale, King Arthur, ...
I could stop, couldn't I? Well, I will, since I think you get the picture (ironically) of what he's done for the movie world. If we seem to not quite see eye-to-eye, I suggest you take ... Gladiator .. and see it without music. Without THE MUSIC, wherever it is in the movie! It's like ... pathetic. Every movie is. That's why, ..., every movie HAS. Music. Ah, so poetical right now;)
So yeah - here it is, have fun, kids;)
Ok, ok .. I admit - let's put the words "in its zanre", because there's the Ice Age, Shrek, Madagascar, Happy Feet and things like that.
So - Lion King is THE best in the 'olden ways' of how they made them.
It has been a phenomenon, though - never has a cartoon amassed so much audience through the years, I'd say. But it was exceptionally successful, as well: last time I saw the data, (it was well over 4 years ago), it was OVER 400 bilion us dollars worldwide, which is and was unimaginable for the time. (That is, for a cartoon to go as far.)
So, I give it to thee: the last scene in the picture, with music from Hans Zimmer (click here for official discography), his web page here. HE, for yee of little faith, has made MUSIC. And also quite good one, I can add. Almost in the league of Great John Williams, whom my friend and I discovered a couple of years ago (say roughly ten).

Zimmer has written, or has been a music producer for, among others, films like: Pirates of the Carribbean, Batman: The Dark Night, As good as it gets (Jack Nicholson!!), Gladiator (Russel Crowe), Perfect Storm, Thin Red Line, Broken Arrow (Kurt Russel?), The Rock (Sean Conrey, etc.), Twister, Cool Runnings, Thelma&Louise, Bird on a wire (with Mel Gibson), Rain Man (Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman).
Getting the idea, right?
Well, not quite, see. Latter of his creations include: The Kung-fu Panda, Angels and Demons (not yet out), Madagascar2, Iron Man, Simpsons the Movie, The DaVinci Code, Madagascar, Batman Begins, Shark Tale, King Arthur, ...
I could stop, couldn't I? Well, I will, since I think you get the picture (ironically) of what he's done for the movie world. If we seem to not quite see eye-to-eye, I suggest you take ... Gladiator .. and see it without music. Without THE MUSIC, wherever it is in the movie! It's like ... pathetic. Every movie is. That's why, ..., every movie HAS. Music. Ah, so poetical right now;)
So yeah - here it is, have fun, kids;)
Oh, yeah, and this one is actually even almost better: Here, then. (Actually even almost better? What kind of a phrase is THAT?!;)
sreda, 26. november 2008
Seasons may change ... my gift is my song;)
And of course it wouldn't work, so, I have it here (click on "here";).
In Pekarna Miš Maš;)
Love your wicked smile*;)
torek, 25. november 2008
El tango de Roxanne
El tango de Roxanne ... listen to Ewan McGregor and you'll understand.
It's true, thought, that I only hope this has music with it, ..., for I am at the library and noooo way, there'd be a *play this file's music* type of a command allowed. Oh, no - too many nerds have taken the control over their computers, thus, spite or better - just short of it happening again, they've taken the music out of the machines.
New era ensued. The Time of MusicLess PCs. But there was a computer made, inside the Library, a computer, with a power to play a tune as he saw fit. His name was TrueNote.
Perhaps a great story, it will remain shrouded in the corners of my frail mind, coiled in a corner near the centre of my world, where it is still warm. (AND NO, I HAVEN'T been watching ANY of the Matrixes lately. Not since last year, anyway.)
It's true, thought, that I only hope this has music with it, ..., for I am at the library and noooo way, there'd be a *play this file's music* type of a command allowed. Oh, no - too many nerds have taken the control over their computers, thus, spite or better - just short of it happening again, they've taken the music out of the machines.
New era ensued. The Time of MusicLess PCs. But there was a computer made, inside the Library, a computer, with a power to play a tune as he saw fit. His name was TrueNote.
Perhaps a great story, it will remain shrouded in the corners of my frail mind, coiled in a corner near the centre of my world, where it is still warm. (AND NO, I HAVEN'T been watching ANY of the Matrixes lately. Not since last year, anyway.)
sobota, 22. november 2008
Maid of honour, made of honour
Life's funny, ain't it?
You think you have it all figuered. Alright, not ALL of it, but hey! - nobody's perfect. (I'm Nobody.)
You think you know your heart and it/he/she proves you wrong, ... every once in a while. I guess, then, that Paolo Coelho was right. Definitely. He said that true power comes from knowing your heart. Truely knowing. That means all the fears and desires, ..., it's to get to know YOU and who you really are, what you want in life.
It gives you strength and renders your foes, so to say, weaponsless. It also leaves them defenseless, in a way, since they know naught something you DO: one's own heart. (Reminds you of Brisingr, doesn't it?)

I'm sort of ship-wrecked right now. Why? Well, I can't really tell what my heart is trying to tell me. I know, actually, but for the time being, I'll refuse to believe it. He's tellin' me to pull back, to the starboard side and wheel the whole ship about. Somehow.
But I for one know that this would be a ... wrong thing to do. Why? Because if you stand still in this world, you're dead. If you're not dead physically, you ARE. Mentally, or otherwise. "You gotta keep on moving!" So that's exactly what I'll do.
I'll keep on moving, onto Al Araf, onto the Bridges of my heart, the ones I don't see an end to. I'll just .. sort of drift along, like in a jam session (yes, with a lot of jam and strawberries, yes, that's the one;). I'll improvise a bit, with an actual plan in progress, but I'l sincerely try to neglect it. Really. It will only work if I don't plan it anymore.
If anyone understood what I'm on about, well - good for you. Hope to meat ;) you someday. (Don't worry - I'm on the verge of becoming a vegetarian.)
You think you have it all figuered. Alright, not ALL of it, but hey! - nobody's perfect. (I'm Nobody.)
You think you know your heart and it/he/she proves you wrong, ... every once in a while. I guess, then, that Paolo Coelho was right. Definitely. He said that true power comes from knowing your heart. Truely knowing. That means all the fears and desires, ..., it's to get to know YOU and who you really are, what you want in life.
It gives you strength and renders your foes, so to say, weaponsless. It also leaves them defenseless, in a way, since they know naught something you DO: one's own heart. (Reminds you of Brisingr, doesn't it?)

I'm sort of ship-wrecked right now. Why? Well, I can't really tell what my heart is trying to tell me. I know, actually, but for the time being, I'll refuse to believe it. He's tellin' me to pull back, to the starboard side and wheel the whole ship about. Somehow.
But I for one know that this would be a ... wrong thing to do. Why? Because if you stand still in this world, you're dead. If you're not dead physically, you ARE. Mentally, or otherwise. "You gotta keep on moving!" So that's exactly what I'll do.
I'll keep on moving, onto Al Araf, onto the Bridges of my heart, the ones I don't see an end to. I'll just .. sort of drift along, like in a jam session (yes, with a lot of jam and strawberries, yes, that's the one;). I'll improvise a bit, with an actual plan in progress, but I'l sincerely try to neglect it. Really. It will only work if I don't plan it anymore.
If anyone understood what I'm on about, well - good for you. Hope to meat ;) you someday. (Don't worry - I'm on the verge of becoming a vegetarian.)
petek, 21. november 2008
Cmok v ... sobi in René Magritte
Danes pred nekaj leti in hurami (not to be confused with húrije;) ali nekaj takega, se je rodil in sploh začel svojo "mundane" pot stric v naslovu. Pa da ne bom samo jaz, naj nekaj pove še cmok oz. jabolko v grlu, pardon, sobi. (hint: it's a Link1.)
René François Ghislain Magritte (21 November 1898 - 15 August 1967) was a Belgian surrealist artist. He became well-known for a number of witty and thought-provoking images.
Kako, da "to ni pipa"? Ker je SLIKA, PODOBA pipe. Tako vsaj piše na strani od Wikipedije, kjer nadaljuje z ..., no, bom dal kar cel odlomčič. Ladies&gentleman, wiki:

1- not to be meddled and confounded;) with the one from the Matrix, mind you:)
René François Ghislain Magritte (21 November 1898 - 15 August 1967) was a Belgian surrealist artist. He became well-known for a number of witty and thought-provoking images.
Kako, da "to ni pipa"? Ker je SLIKA, PODOBA pipe. Tako vsaj piše na strani od Wikipedije, kjer nadaljuje z ..., no, bom dal kar cel odlomčič. Ladies&gentleman, wiki:
A consummate technician, his work frequently displays a juxtaposition of ordinary objects in an unusual context, giving new meanings to familiar things. The representational use of objects as other than what they seem is typified in his painting, The Treachery of Images (La trahison des images), which shows a pipe that looks as though it is a model for a tobacco store advertisement. Magritte painted below the pipe "This is not a pipe" (Ceci n'est pas une pipe), which seems a contradiction, but is actually true: the painting is not a pipe, it is an image of a pipe. (In his book This Is Not a Pipe French philosopher and critic Michel Foucault discusses the painting and its paradox.In zakaj so moji posti tako "zmedeni"? Niso. Samo veliko, veliko informacij je notri. In ja, ker mi "šopajo", jih imam malček problem urediti v kohezivno celoto. Stric Eco je mislim, da napisal Foucaultovo nihalo. (Roman Umberta Eca: tukaj wiki do Foucaultovega nihala, ki seveda ni isti M. F. ampak J. B. L. F. ;) ... zanimivo branje.)
1- not to be meddled and confounded;) with the one from the Matrix, mind you:)
četrtek, 20. november 2008
Hi! I'll just write this in good ole' English, shall I, should be easier and much faster since I wish not to translate the whole block of text.
NOW ... A page has been made, a PORTAL, so to say, with any insinuations to MTG, Magic: The Gathering inconspicuously improbable.

So what's it all about? Well, if naught else, we can see some sort of lizzard winking at us, timidly and yet moronicly, "out of the blue" (in this case, THE case:).
But ok, looks alright, albeit not quite in full swing, as it seems at the moment.
Definately promising, but - to say more would not be prudent, rather rash and harsh. SO: "We should be patient, my young padawan."
(As is with stuuf of more mundane an appearance: say some words, shall we? Somalia, Slovenia, Singapur, TOkio & Dow Jones, militias in Kongo and Brasil, ..., polar bears and blood-stained politicians, student-politicians and school-going youngsters. (I can't believe I've actually said that, 'youngsters'... Gosh, "I feel old, Gandalf...").
Cheers and ... DO DRINK, for perhaps, "so many will we shoot of the arrows that we will block out the sun!"
"Alright. Then we will fight in the shade!
" T h i s i s G A I A ! "
NOW ... A page has been made, a PORTAL, so to say, with any insinuations to MTG, Magic: The Gathering inconspicuously improbable.

So what's it all about? Well, if naught else, we can see some sort of lizzard winking at us, timidly and yet moronicly, "out of the blue" (in this case, THE case:).
But ok, looks alright, albeit not quite in full swing, as it seems at the moment.
Definately promising, but - to say more would not be prudent, rather rash and harsh. SO: "We should be patient, my young padawan."
(As is with stuuf of more mundane an appearance: say some words, shall we? Somalia, Slovenia, Singapur, TOkio & Dow Jones, militias in Kongo and Brasil, ..., polar bears and blood-stained politicians, student-politicians and school-going youngsters. (I can't believe I've actually said that, 'youngsters'... Gosh, "I feel old, Gandalf...").
Cheers and ... DO DRINK, for perhaps, "so many will we shoot of the arrows that we will block out the sun!"
"Alright. Then we will fight in the shade!
" T h i s i s G A I A ! "
ponedeljek, 17. november 2008
You are of course wondering, why, of course, I've brought you here ...
Skoči na video na youtube.com (Hope this works, it's well protected, after all.)
The link to the picture poster right above is also here.
From this world, ...
.. "you MUST NOT fail ..."
Ah, almost as a Thriller (but definately less Zombies:).
July 2009
ponedeljek, 10. november 2008
Temno nebo
Zdravo, lep pozdrav in dobro jutro vsem!
Gre, očitno, za malce daljši mail, ergo ga berite kot knjigico: malce zvečer, malce zjutraj, na WC-ju, če tehnika omogoča ... skratka, če želite, ga preberite, če ne, prav, lahko ga pa po odstavkih. Lp, A
A prior Scriptum, A.S.: em .. pa malce bo verjetno treba napet možgane, ker mi je par asociacij šinilo v glavo vmes. Not to worry. Mislim, da vsi zmorete, zato vam pa tudi pošiljam.
Na to lepo ponedeljkovo jutro, po malce prebrani noči (ne mene vprašat, kaj to pomeni:),
me je prešinilo, da je to, kar mi je Tomo Križnar napisal kot posvetilo v knjigo, ..., še ena izmed rešitev in na žalost še eno izmed bojnih polj, na katerih bomo biologi/zeleni/naravo-/okolje-/samo-varstveniki z večjim in bolj nujnejšim smislom za samo-ohranitev morali stati na svojih tleh in kvečjemu napredovati ter se ne umakniti.
Govorim o priponki. (Na levi strani je Rio, zgoraj Evropa, now go figure.)
Gre za nekaj, kar so pred leti začeli tudi eni izmed pametnih slovencev, med drugim nam je na enih predavanjih o tem nekaj malega povedal tudi Tomi Trilar (no, malega zato, ker je v zadnji treh letih umrlo toliko malih bitjec, da je le še ena mala kapljica v morje tega, kar ne vemo, če uporabim besede velikega Isaaca N.)
Gre za pobudo o Temnem Nočnem Nebu (ni nujno vse z velikimi, pač malo okrancljam), ki se je začela ... nekaj časa nazaj.
Lani je bil 7. simpozij, tokrat na slovenskih tleh, bivša punca se ga je, se mi zdi, udeležila (če ne ima pa zavisti vreden plakat doma).
Tukaj lahko dobite nekaj navodil projektantom, ..., ki bi jih zamikalo za mastno plačilo, ker je to sedaj že (za neuke in tiste, ki imajo radi boldan tekst) zakonsko prepovedano, postaviti okroglaste svetilke, ki niso niti prefarbane do polovice ... no, tukaj je html: navodila projektantom.
Za vse, ki pravijo, da se ne da (=nočejo bit prvi), ponujajo na Dark sky Slovenia nekaj primerov dobre prakse. A naj opozorim na vsaj meni dozdevno nepravilnost pri slikah 7. in predvsem 18. na desni strani pri taprvem linku. (še enkrat je ta link tukajle.) Namreč ... starejši občani baje ne vozijo radi več avtomobilov med drugim tudi zato, ker se jim bleščijo lučke oz. osvetljava tipa slika DesnoLink1Št.18. (Za ta lene: tuki.) Ne sme se videti, če stojite na cesti, več kot tri izvore lulči daleč (nekaj takega).
Za tiste, ki berete in razmišljate zraven: Sporna je torej osvetlitev z lučmi, ki oddajajo: b) glej spodaj in a) svetlobo nad vodoravnico (ker dobiš potem sliko v priponki ali nekaj podobnega tukajle, na Stričku Google-u (though not to be confused with Uncle Sam, ..., for some reasons ... don't know why, actually, but hey! Nobody's perfect. (I'm nobody.)))
b) Poleg tega pa je sporno sicer korektno osvetljevanje, a napačnih površin. Nič ti ne pomaga, če osvetliš s pravimi lučkami eno lepo, veliko, belo (ali f. svetlejše barve) fasado npr. ... kakšna cerkev ... ali L'Eclerc na jugu Lj ... (baje) (OMG, he used the big corporation's name!!!) Zakaj? Pejte kej ponoči naokoli ... in štejte uboge vešče.
(Ja, fulll jih je. Ampak bilo jih je več. In jih bo še manj. In kaj bodo jedli različni insectivori??? Mphm? Recimo, tudi ptiči, ježki, netopirji? Aja, sej ni take štale. Hm, ampak .. kdo pa je njih? Recimo medved tudi mrhovino. Medveda lovijo lovci, ergo ljudje .. WHOOOPS! Pa dobro. Ježa .. Lisica .. volk ali jelen .. aja, ne - jelen ne je mesa (much?) Ok .. pa vešča, k pade dol ... da energijo ogljikovih, dušikovih atomov in vodikovih vezi ter navsezadnje phosphatnih skupin .. komu? Ge. Travici (sori, Traven;)), Invertebrata-om, ... Oh, lej - spet pride vmes ptič, ker je kaj podobnega (pa dobr, ajdo, rž , etc.) aja, pa leg ga zlomka, žir pa želod pa med (čebele, ki sicer umirajo, tudi pri nas .. hm, kaj je že rekel A. Einstein?? Ali je to sploh reku?) spet je medved, ... ja, hudimana, sploh ne pridemo in ne pridemo do nas, egotripov, erm, pardon, antropocentristov. Aja, sori - ljudem.)
Če gre kdo Bonda gledat ... Dar fur in ne nafta. Pa še to, o bondu: ... D. Craig bi lahko ves svoj zaslužek od keša dal v dobrodelne namene (ampak morda, pravim, morda! ne Unicefu, ki pošilja včasih tudi svinjino in ženske dolge hlače na bližnji vzhod...) - recimo kaki organizaciji tipa Green planet. Aja, šit. Erm .. a ta dobrim zelenim al ta .. manj dobrim zelenim? Lahko da Pahorju, če je res gej, pol ima nekaj dobrega srca v sebi in je odprt za predloge, hm? Much like J. Haider, only he was .. sort of .. physically and mentally open. Especially when his skul cracked against the metal frame of the car he WAS DRIVING TOTALLY DRUNK!! He could've like, killed someone. Thank god? it was only him. Or H.I.M. - Baby join me in death! Aha ha, lol, killing myself - whoops, another one;) Like B. Spears and Talibans after the 9/11's frist strike 2/5, remember? ;)) ah, too much fer yeh too cope with, I reckon.
Dobr, za foto finišh, vreden Joli in Mutule (pa nič proti temnim, upam samo, da doživi 20. januar, (pa ne Mutula)):
- nočno nebo --- ja, morda
- temno nočno nebo - sicher
- fašizem nein
- n?Obama?
- Bondovo dekle je res krull (is that an Urgal?:)
- tudi Janez Drnovšek je kriv ... so-kriv svetlobnega onasnaževanja
Za vse, ki ste zdržali do tukaj, na račun morda nekaj skurjenih sinaps ... iskrena hvala.
Za vse, ki iščete samo modre (torej pametne, se razume) povezave v tem tekstu - so in jih ni, odvisno od gledišča.
Za vse, ki ljubite pametne (ali žal samo preroške) citate v tujih jezikih:
Za vse, ki ste se ravnokar zaljubile vame, for my unsurpassing wits and sharm: tudi rad kuham in pomivam;)
Za vse, ki vam grem že močno na žice, nisem edini, it's been done before: namely John Cleese - How to irritate people.
In za konec, ker dvomim, da bo kmalu od mene spet kak tak mail za ... toliko ljudi prišel:
Ko mi gre zares za nohte, se spomnim dobrih ljudi, ki so mi kaj pomagali v življenju (v dejanju ali besedi) in svetujem vam, da sami, če tega še ne počenjate, začnete to početi. (Sm se zaciklal ... Lahko delate pa samo počepe. Še to je bolje, kot da )
Če ni noči, se zvezde ne vidijo.
Ko smo že pri zvezdah: Elen sola lumenn omentielvo (Stari prevod, str. 93, Ljubljana: Gnosis-Quatro, 1995) - ura našega srečanja je obsijana z zvezdami. (In ne, nisem na pamet vedel, ampak .. sem šel pogledat. Kar naj bi bila fora knjig, ane, Roman?)
Torej, LOtR ni napačen - očitno pride kak citat prav tudi za take hece, kot je ta mail, namely the following:
In .. še nekaj. Dobri človek!? Prosim, če nimaš ravno tako dobrih argumentov, zakaj pa ljudje ne bi vsake toliko smeli poslati enega maila naokoli ... ki dejansko malce bolj v srčiko stvari zadene, mi ne govorit, nej ga ne pošiljam.
In SARA .. ? (Ne ti!) Ti, ja, S. J. J. C. (Ne, ne S. M.) ... in kdorkoli, ki se mu zdi zelo fascinantno, napasti človeka za dobro jutro ali dober dan s stavkom, kot je: "Kaj si ti spet ene čudne maile pošiljal naokoli?!" ...
-.- (diham, da se umirim)
... you should too -...
... torej: raje kot to, raje dobro jutro reci, pol pa še kej, pa še jaz kaj tebe vprašam, potem pa npr. že lahko. Taka direktna vprašanja si dovolim, da mi postavljajo samo določeni ljudje in ... mislim oz. vem, da oni ne bi na tak način povedali ... z drugačno barvo glasu, pa še kak argument drugi kakor: "To se ne spodobi, to se ne sme! To ne morš tko zdej, ejga, modeu!"
Hm? Ne? pomojem se tudi zastrupljati vode ne spodobi. Niti prodajati azbesta vrtcem. Tudi goljufati se ne spodobi, še manj pa se spodobi nastaviti ali odstaviti urednike Dela, Mladine, D. Kosa in podobne. Tudi 3 - 4x več milijonov (-jard??) evrov se ne spodobi dat, lahko v živo rečem g. Zidarju, če ga kdo pozna osebno. Dar fur se NE spodobi, pa ga še nisem gledal.
Španska inkvizicija se ne spodobi, tudi naseliti kaznjence na poseben otok se ne spodobi. Tudi Martina Luthra Kinga se ne spodobi ubiti, ali JFK-ja ali ... koga drugega. Tudi G. H. W. Bush ni lepo biti. (Oz. je, depending on the view).
Predvsem se pa ne spodobi imeti Pop-corna in/ali kokic ter sladkorne pene NA ŽALAH OB DNEVU MRTVIH!!! Samo kot primer povem, nič drugega. Največ, kar se spodobi, je to, da rečeš, kar misliš .. in če te kdo želi poslušati, prav ... sej Jelinčiča tudi ne poslušajo vsi, pa je baletnik baje, z norejšo ženo in zapuščeno foster-hčerko ter sinom, ki je zbežal od doma, na srednji vzhod in prevedel KORAN. Hm. Edini popcorn, ki se ga splača imet na žalah ob dnevu mrtvih, pardon, se NE spodobi, da tako rečem, moram seveda reči: "Ob dnevu spomina na mrtve" (in preminule in obglavljene in umrle v prometnih nesrečah (Bee-bee-pop!!!) in shirane od lakote v Abu Graibu ali pa morda kar kakšne slovenske pesnike in pisce, ki so jim sežgali hišo med oz. pred ali celo po vojni (imam prav določeno osebo v mislih.)
Tudi vsi nemci niso slabi (Hitler je začel s 7-imi, lahko pa počakata na TOMA CRUISE-A, ko pride film v kino), tudi večina ANGLEŽEV IN FRANCOZEV v zgodovini SE V RESNICI ni obnašala CIVILIZIRANO, ko so ravno v imenu "naše civilizacije" morili in poibijali, ah, pardon neukemu - POKRISTANJEVALI se reće in se spodobi.
kot sta dejala dva kolega:
1.) Spodobi se in pravično je. (L. R.)
2.) Mislit boli. (B. Z: after P. K.)
Bom končal v svojem stilu: "Baaah!"
Lp, Aljaž
041 915 737
Visit the blog: http://aljobaljo.blogspot.com.
// - If you do things you've always done -
- and If you think the way you've always thought -
- you will always get what you've always got. - //
Postan ti sam! //Murat&Jose http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNmO1iD9KN4
Gre, očitno, za malce daljši mail, ergo ga berite kot knjigico: malce zvečer, malce zjutraj, na WC-ju, če tehnika omogoča ... skratka, če želite, ga preberite, če ne, prav, lahko ga pa po odstavkih. Lp, A
A prior Scriptum, A.S.: em .. pa malce bo verjetno treba napet možgane, ker mi je par asociacij šinilo v glavo vmes. Not to worry. Mislim, da vsi zmorete, zato vam pa tudi pošiljam.
Na to lepo ponedeljkovo jutro, po malce prebrani noči (ne mene vprašat, kaj to pomeni:),
me je prešinilo, da je to, kar mi je Tomo Križnar napisal kot posvetilo v knjigo, ..., še ena izmed rešitev in na žalost še eno izmed bojnih polj, na katerih bomo biologi/zeleni/naravo-/okolje-/samo-varstveniki z večjim in bolj nujnejšim smislom za samo-ohranitev morali stati na svojih tleh in kvečjemu napredovati ter se ne umakniti.
Govorim o priponki. (Na levi strani je Rio, zgoraj Evropa, now go figure.)
Gre za nekaj, kar so pred leti začeli tudi eni izmed pametnih slovencev, med drugim nam je na enih predavanjih o tem nekaj malega povedal tudi Tomi Trilar (no, malega zato, ker je v zadnji treh letih umrlo toliko malih bitjec, da je le še ena mala kapljica v morje tega, kar ne vemo, če uporabim besede velikega Isaaca N.)
Gre za pobudo o Temnem Nočnem Nebu (ni nujno vse z velikimi, pač malo okrancljam), ki se je začela ... nekaj časa nazaj.
Lani je bil 7. simpozij, tokrat na slovenskih tleh, bivša punca se ga je, se mi zdi, udeležila (če ne ima pa zavisti vreden plakat doma).
Tukaj lahko dobite nekaj navodil projektantom, ..., ki bi jih zamikalo za mastno plačilo, ker je to sedaj že (za neuke in tiste, ki imajo radi boldan tekst) zakonsko prepovedano, postaviti okroglaste svetilke, ki niso niti prefarbane do polovice ... no, tukaj je html: navodila projektantom.
Za vse, ki pravijo, da se ne da (=nočejo bit prvi), ponujajo na Dark sky Slovenia nekaj primerov dobre prakse. A naj opozorim na vsaj meni dozdevno nepravilnost pri slikah 7. in predvsem 18. na desni strani pri taprvem linku. (še enkrat je ta link tukajle.) Namreč ... starejši občani baje ne vozijo radi več avtomobilov med drugim tudi zato, ker se jim bleščijo lučke oz. osvetljava tipa slika DesnoLink1Št.18. (Za ta lene: tuki.) Ne sme se videti, če stojite na cesti, več kot tri izvore lulči daleč (nekaj takega).
Za tiste, ki berete in razmišljate zraven: Sporna je torej osvetlitev z lučmi, ki oddajajo: b) glej spodaj in a) svetlobo nad vodoravnico (ker dobiš potem sliko v priponki ali nekaj podobnega tukajle, na Stričku Google-u (though not to be confused with Uncle Sam, ..., for some reasons ... don't know why, actually, but hey! Nobody's perfect. (I'm nobody.)))
b) Poleg tega pa je sporno sicer korektno osvetljevanje, a napačnih površin. Nič ti ne pomaga, če osvetliš s pravimi lučkami eno lepo, veliko, belo (ali f. svetlejše barve) fasado npr. ... kakšna cerkev ... ali L'Eclerc na jugu Lj ... (baje) (OMG, he used the big corporation's name!!!) Zakaj? Pejte kej ponoči naokoli ... in štejte uboge vešče.
(Ja, fulll jih je. Ampak bilo jih je več. In jih bo še manj. In kaj bodo jedli različni insectivori??? Mphm? Recimo, tudi ptiči, ježki, netopirji? Aja, sej ni take štale. Hm, ampak .. kdo pa je njih? Recimo medved tudi mrhovino. Medveda lovijo lovci, ergo ljudje .. WHOOOPS! Pa dobro. Ježa .. Lisica .. volk ali jelen .. aja, ne - jelen ne je mesa (much?) Ok .. pa vešča, k pade dol ... da energijo ogljikovih, dušikovih atomov in vodikovih vezi ter navsezadnje phosphatnih skupin .. komu? Ge. Travici (sori, Traven;)), Invertebrata-om, ... Oh, lej - spet pride vmes ptič, ker je kaj podobnega (pa dobr, ajdo, rž , etc.) aja, pa leg ga zlomka, žir pa želod pa med (čebele, ki sicer umirajo, tudi pri nas .. hm, kaj je že rekel A. Einstein?? Ali je to sploh reku?) spet je medved, ... ja, hudimana, sploh ne pridemo in ne pridemo do nas, egotripov, erm, pardon, antropocentristov. Aja, sori - ljudem.)
Če gre kdo Bonda gledat ... Dar fur in ne nafta. Pa še to, o bondu: ... D. Craig bi lahko ves svoj zaslužek od keša dal v dobrodelne namene (ampak morda, pravim, morda! ne Unicefu, ki pošilja včasih tudi svinjino in ženske dolge hlače na bližnji vzhod...) - recimo kaki organizaciji tipa Green planet. Aja, šit. Erm .. a ta dobrim zelenim al ta .. manj dobrim zelenim? Lahko da Pahorju, če je res gej, pol ima nekaj dobrega srca v sebi in je odprt za predloge, hm? Much like J. Haider, only he was .. sort of .. physically and mentally open. Especially when his skul cracked against the metal frame of the car he WAS DRIVING TOTALLY DRUNK!! He could've like, killed someone. Thank god? it was only him. Or H.I.M. - Baby join me in death! Aha ha, lol, killing myself - whoops, another one;) Like B. Spears and Talibans after the 9/11's frist strike 2/5, remember? ;)) ah, too much fer yeh too cope with, I reckon.
Dobr, za foto finišh, vreden Joli in Mutule (pa nič proti temnim, upam samo, da doživi 20. januar, (pa ne Mutula)):
- nočno nebo --- ja, morda
- temno nočno nebo - sicher
- fašizem nein
- n?Obama?
- Bondovo dekle je res krull (is that an Urgal?:)
- tudi Janez Drnovšek je kriv ... so-kriv svetlobnega onasnaževanja
Za vse, ki ste zdržali do tukaj, na račun morda nekaj skurjenih sinaps ... iskrena hvala.
Za vse, ki iščete samo modre (torej pametne, se razume) povezave v tem tekstu - so in jih ni, odvisno od gledišča.
Za vse, ki ljubite pametne (ali žal samo preroške) citate v tujih jezikih:
"Sólo después que el último árbol haya sido cortado,
Sólo después que el último río haya sido envenenado,
Sólo después que el último pez haya sido pescado,
Sólo entonces descurbirás que el dinero no se puede comer."
Za vse, ki preveč berete: Ellen sola lúmen omentielvo! (glej spodaj)Sólo después que el último río haya sido envenenado,
Sólo después que el último pez haya sido pescado,
Sólo entonces descurbirás que el dinero no se puede comer."
Za vse, ki ste se ravnokar zaljubile vame, for my unsurpassing wits and sharm: tudi rad kuham in pomivam;)
Za vse, ki vam grem že močno na žice, nisem edini, it's been done before: namely John Cleese - How to irritate people.
In za konec, ker dvomim, da bo kmalu od mene spet kak tak mail za ... toliko ljudi prišel:
Ko mi gre zares za nohte, se spomnim dobrih ljudi, ki so mi kaj pomagali v življenju (v dejanju ali besedi) in svetujem vam, da sami, če tega še ne počenjate, začnete to početi. (Sm se zaciklal ... Lahko delate pa samo počepe. Še to je bolje, kot da )
Če ni noči, se zvezde ne vidijo.
Ko smo že pri zvezdah: Elen sola lumenn omentielvo (Stari prevod, str. 93, Ljubljana: Gnosis-Quatro, 1995) - ura našega srečanja je obsijana z zvezdami. (In ne, nisem na pamet vedel, ampak .. sem šel pogledat. Kar naj bi bila fora knjig, ane, Roman?)
Torej, LOtR ni napačen - očitno pride kak citat prav tudi za take hece, kot je ta mail, namely the following:
The Road goes ever on and on
Out from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
Let others follow it who can!
Let them a journey new begin,
But I at last with weary feet
Will turn towards the lighted inn,
My evening-rest and sleep to meet.
In ja, Matej Mihelič, če si še tukaj in bereš, bi naročil eno S ali M majico. Hvala.Out from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
Let others follow it who can!
Let them a journey new begin,
But I at last with weary feet
Will turn towards the lighted inn,
My evening-rest and sleep to meet.
In .. še nekaj. Dobri človek!? Prosim, če nimaš ravno tako dobrih argumentov, zakaj pa ljudje ne bi vsake toliko smeli poslati enega maila naokoli ... ki dejansko malce bolj v srčiko stvari zadene, mi ne govorit, nej ga ne pošiljam.
In SARA .. ? (Ne ti!) Ti, ja, S. J. J. C. (Ne, ne S. M.) ... in kdorkoli, ki se mu zdi zelo fascinantno, napasti človeka za dobro jutro ali dober dan s stavkom, kot je: "Kaj si ti spet ene čudne maile pošiljal naokoli?!" ...
-.- (diham, da se umirim)
... you should too -...
... torej: raje kot to, raje dobro jutro reci, pol pa še kej, pa še jaz kaj tebe vprašam, potem pa npr. že lahko. Taka direktna vprašanja si dovolim, da mi postavljajo samo določeni ljudje in ... mislim oz. vem, da oni ne bi na tak način povedali ... z drugačno barvo glasu, pa še kak argument drugi kakor: "To se ne spodobi, to se ne sme! To ne morš tko zdej, ejga, modeu!"
Hm? Ne? pomojem se tudi zastrupljati vode ne spodobi. Niti prodajati azbesta vrtcem. Tudi goljufati se ne spodobi, še manj pa se spodobi nastaviti ali odstaviti urednike Dela, Mladine, D. Kosa in podobne. Tudi 3 - 4x več milijonov (-jard??) evrov se ne spodobi dat, lahko v živo rečem g. Zidarju, če ga kdo pozna osebno. Dar fur se NE spodobi, pa ga še nisem gledal.
Španska inkvizicija se ne spodobi, tudi naseliti kaznjence na poseben otok se ne spodobi. Tudi Martina Luthra Kinga se ne spodobi ubiti, ali JFK-ja ali ... koga drugega. Tudi G. H. W. Bush ni lepo biti. (Oz. je, depending on the view).
Predvsem se pa ne spodobi imeti Pop-corna in/ali kokic ter sladkorne pene NA ŽALAH OB DNEVU MRTVIH!!! Samo kot primer povem, nič drugega. Največ, kar se spodobi, je to, da rečeš, kar misliš .. in če te kdo želi poslušati, prav ... sej Jelinčiča tudi ne poslušajo vsi, pa je baletnik baje, z norejšo ženo in zapuščeno foster-hčerko ter sinom, ki je zbežal od doma, na srednji vzhod in prevedel KORAN. Hm. Edini popcorn, ki se ga splača imet na žalah ob dnevu mrtvih, pardon, se NE spodobi, da tako rečem, moram seveda reči: "Ob dnevu spomina na mrtve" (in preminule in obglavljene in umrle v prometnih nesrečah (Bee-bee-pop!!!) in shirane od lakote v Abu Graibu ali pa morda kar kakšne slovenske pesnike in pisce, ki so jim sežgali hišo med oz. pred ali celo po vojni (imam prav določeno osebo v mislih.)
Tudi vsi nemci niso slabi (Hitler je začel s 7-imi, lahko pa počakata na TOMA CRUISE-A, ko pride film v kino), tudi večina ANGLEŽEV IN FRANCOZEV v zgodovini SE V RESNICI ni obnašala CIVILIZIRANO, ko so ravno v imenu "naše civilizacije" morili in poibijali, ah, pardon neukemu - POKRISTANJEVALI se reće in se spodobi.
kot sta dejala dva kolega:
1.) Spodobi se in pravično je. (L. R.)
2.) Mislit boli. (B. Z: after P. K.)
Bom končal v svojem stilu: "Baaah!"
Lp, Aljaž
041 915 737
Visit the blog: http://aljobaljo.blogspot.com.
// - If you do things you've always done -
- and If you think the way you've always thought -
- you will always get what you've always got. - //
Postan ti sam! //Murat&Jose http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNmO1iD9KN4
sreda, 5. november 2008
The Google has you, Neo. // - Knock , knock.
"Hey, World!"
I'm participating in the Neanderthal-November, of the notorious Dan Brown, a you tube contest, so ... beware! "You're off the edge of the map, mate. And here, THERE BE MONSTERS! //cpt. Barbossa to cpt. Jack Sparrow//
Isn't it kind of pathetic, though? The fact, that the Waschawski bros. were kind of right and could well be written down in history together with A. Huxley, G. Orwell and Nietzsche?

I'm talking about Facebook. About uncle google, replacing the complacent Uncle Sam. About Blogger, Picassa and whatnot. I'm talking about the world as we know it, people! And I'm not sure everybody want to "see what I am going to show you".
Presindetal campaigns are now led also on you-tube. Gordon Brown has opened a VR (video-response) page on You-tube, for the sake of his own people and the sake of at least appearing modern. (Regarding the regular outfit, a good go, Mr. Brown, quite bold of you, but ... not to worry, eh?:) (No offence meant.)
I'm participating in the Neanderthal-November, of the notorious Dan Brown, a you tube contest, so ... beware! "You're off the edge of the map, mate. And here, THERE BE MONSTERS! //cpt. Barbossa to cpt. Jack Sparrow//
Isn't it kind of pathetic, though? The fact, that the Waschawski bros. were kind of right and could well be written down in history together with A. Huxley, G. Orwell and Nietzsche?

Presindetal campaigns are now led also on you-tube. Gordon Brown has opened a VR (video-response) page on You-tube, for the sake of his own people and the sake of at least appearing modern. (Regarding the regular outfit, a good go, Mr. Brown, quite bold of you, but ... not to worry, eh?:) (No offence meant.)
sobota, 1. november 2008
Let love shine ...
Something I found whilst searching the net and answering 'older' emails:
I'm getting all nervous
and I guess there really is something to do with her and me,
for the girl I think I'll marry
is coming to town, ...,
I've got my guts spilled and my heart sliced
all over my room,
there's no more room ..
to make for anyone but her.
is. And i am.
But will we ever be - together? Sure we will!
(But, will it be soon, though?) Stand still, my heart, fear not!
It shall be --- or not, naught fear, thy shall know love
for thou art a being of light as well as She.
Stand still, my heart, fare not,
don't decline thy wonder and
let our expectations rise to meet the Sun that is Her face.
Fear not, hate not the hours that separate you from her,
my love.
Strive not to end your bond to
pain and hurt of the world ...
Embrace it, take it also upon you,
as have others,
granted, of considerable size,
but others still.
Let your love shine forth
let your voice be heard
let love rule
and for us all,
for the sake of our own peace of mind,
smile. With all your heart, Heart,
and She will come.
Yes, if ever she wants to,
she will.
She has to, else I perish and wane.
For my manly mane
is not as Max Payne,
shall not fade away and a stone
nor bird cannot undo that sole shot,
that sole try thou shall make, don't cry
if you fail, it is to no avail,
drop that veil
and bail
out your love from dungeons unheard
let your love soar
let the wind under your wings bear you,
where the sun sails and the moon walks,
as John Roald would say.
Shine the light, shine on me,
take a chance on me
shall you say to her
and then, in swiftness, you should leave her.
But only for her to return,
whenever she deems right and true.
Fear not, don't feel blue.
Have a little faith in me
my little one, for through this Sapphire sky
things great and small will give out their cry
for Her, and You, together,
as once you were.
Stand still, or hummm it, (I) care naught.
But buzz, wriggle with excitement,
let love shine through you
and fill the domiciles of peoples minds.
For they are also Beings of Light.
Bah! It is well late
and restful slumber awaits me,
as does you, My Love.
Good night,
sleep tight.
Hope that She's not the one to bite.
(At least not much.)
I'm getting all nervous
and I guess there really is something to do with her and me,
for the girl I think I'll marry
is coming to town, ...,
I've got my guts spilled and my heart sliced
all over my room,
there's no more room ..
to make for anyone but her.
is. And i am.
But will we ever be - together? Sure we will!
(But, will it be soon, though?) Stand still, my heart, fear not!
It shall be --- or not, naught fear, thy shall know love
for thou art a being of light as well as She.
Stand still, my heart, fare not,
don't decline thy wonder and
let our expectations rise to meet the Sun that is Her face.
Fear not, hate not the hours that separate you from her,
my love.
Strive not to end your bond to
pain and hurt of the world ...
Embrace it, take it also upon you,
as have others,
granted, of considerable size,
but others still.
Let your love shine forth
let your voice be heard
let love rule
and for us all,
for the sake of our own peace of mind,
smile. With all your heart, Heart,
and She will come.
Yes, if ever she wants to,
she will.
She has to, else I perish and wane.
For my manly mane
is not as Max Payne,
shall not fade away and a stone
nor bird cannot undo that sole shot,
that sole try thou shall make, don't cry
if you fail, it is to no avail,
drop that veil
and bail
out your love from dungeons unheard
let your love soar
let the wind under your wings bear you,
where the sun sails and the moon walks,
as John Roald would say.
Shine the light, shine on me,
take a chance on me
shall you say to her
and then, in swiftness, you should leave her.
But only for her to return,
whenever she deems right and true.
Fear not, don't feel blue.
Have a little faith in me
my little one, for through this Sapphire sky
things great and small will give out their cry
for Her, and You, together,
as once you were.
Stand still, or hummm it, (I) care naught.
But buzz, wriggle with excitement,
let love shine through you
and fill the domiciles of peoples minds.
For they are also Beings of Light.
Bah! It is well late
and restful slumber awaits me,
as does you, My Love.
Good night,
sleep tight.
Hope that She's not the one to bite.
(At least not much.)
//By Alan Featherstain.//
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