Malignant melanoma ...
sreda, 14. december 2011
ponedeljek, 5. december 2011
Ultimate 1 - kako bi ga opisal?
How would you describe Ultimate to someone who does not know it?
Ultimate is a combination of three sports: 1) American Football - the field set up is similar, with end zones at either end, and the object is to advance the disc into one of those while preventing the opposing team from advancing it into the other. 2) Basketball - the person catching the disc can not run after gaining possession, instead they must establish a pivot foot at one spot on the field while they look for a teammate to throw to next. 3) Soccer (or proper football! :) – lots of sprinting, changing direction, and moving without the disc to create spaces on the field which your team can attack.
From the interview with Greg Conelly, a.k.a. Scoops, found on Ultimate Slovenia's web page:
ponedeljek, 21. november 2011
To take the Black
The Oath of the Brothers of the Night's Watch of the Wall of Westeros. Link here.Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come.
For the past half a year, these books have been ruling my waking hours, commanding the spare time I had. Loved every minute of it! (Although Geroge R. R. Martin could, every now and then, leave out some of the descriptions of the feasts they are having within.)
torek, 1. november 2011
Kako lahko kupimo največ (predragih!) sveč per capita, če je pa TAKA kriza!
Al zdej vsi moljo poleg svetim Trem še k vsem prednikom, ki jih imajo?
"Oče moj, ki si v grobu, pomagaj mi plačat račune ..."
Kako lahko kupimo največ (predragih!) sveč per capita, če je pa TAKA kriza!
Al zdej vsi moljo poleg svetim Trem še k vsem prednikom, ki jih imajo?
"Oče moj, ki si v grobu, pomagaj mi plačat račune ..."
sreda, 19. oktober 2011
Ej, Mopped! spletna stran
Zaživela bo spletna stran Ej, Mopped! No, je že, samo je še v procesu "pimpanja"!

Tako da - dobrodošli na strani in pridite nazaj, ko bo še hujša, najhujšejša!
Zaživela bo spletna stran Ej, Mopped! No, je že, samo je še v procesu "pimpanja"!
Tako da - dobrodošli na strani in pridite nazaj, ko bo še hujša, najhujšejša!
torek, 11. oktober 2011
KulLaži, fotografska razstava Ajde Tomazin
Dopadel se mi je spremni tekst k razstavi, komentar Ajde Tomazin. Pa tudi razstava je kar fletna pejte pogledat. V kavarni KUD-a FP je.
/.../ Razstava želi reflektirati današnjo družbo, ki je obsedena z dogajanjem v življenju drugih.
Kdo žura, kolikokrat seksa, kdaj gre na morje, ali je v odprtem ali zapletenem razmerju, koliko ima FB prijateljev ...
Ljudje obožujejo, da razgališ svojo intimo, svoje življenje, pa tudi, če jim v naslovu poveš, da so to laži. /.../
KulLaži, fotografska razstava Ajde Tomazin
KUD FP, Karunova 14, Ljubljana
KUD FP, Karunova 14, Ljubljana
petek, 16. september 2011
Music ...
Music. You just gotta love it.
For its elegance, its fluidity, tranquility it brings.
Simply ... music.
For its elegance, its fluidity, tranquility it brings.
Simply ... music.
torek, 6. september 2011
Konflikti med
generacijami so stari
toliko kot civilizacija
sama. Na štiri tisoč let
stari glineni ploščici
generacijami so stari
toliko kot civilizacija
sama. Na štiri tisoč let
stari glineni ploščici
mladina je nemogoča.
Ne pozna nobene
odgovornosti in
spoštovanja, po glavi ji
rojijo same neumnosti.
mladina je nemogoča.
Ne pozna nobene
odgovornosti in
spoštovanja, po glavi ji
rojijo same neumnosti.
(Ujčič v Hozjan, 2010:
torek, 9. avgust 2011
Obama Turns 50 Despite Republican Opposition
August 4, 2011 | ISSUE 47•31
WASHINGTON—After months of heated negotiations and failed attempts to achieve any kind of consensus, President Obama turned 50 years old Thursday, drawing strong criticism from Republicans in Congress. "With the host of problems this country is currently facing, the fact that our president is devoting time to the human process of aging is an affront to Americans everywhere," said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who advocated a provision to keep Obama 49 at least through the fall of 2013. "To move forward unilaterally and simply begin the next year of his life without bipartisan support—is that any way to lead a country?" According to White House officials, Obama attempted to work with Republicans right up until the Aug. 4 deadline, but was ultimately left with no choice except to turn a year older.
WASHINGTON—After months of heated negotiations and failed attempts to achieve any kind of consensus, President Obama turned 50 years old Thursday, drawing strong criticism from Republicans in Congress. "With the host of problems this country is currently facing, the fact that our president is devoting time to the human process of aging is an affront to Americans everywhere," said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who advocated a provision to keep Obama 49 at least through the fall of 2013. "To move forward unilaterally and simply begin the next year of his life without bipartisan support—is that any way to lead a country?" According to White House officials, Obama attempted to work with Republicans right up until the Aug. 4 deadline, but was ultimately left with no choice except to turn a year older.
torek, 28. junij 2011
Word of the Day, WOTD 4
unencumbered (by):
–verb (used with object)
1. to impede or hinder; hamper; retard: Red tape encumbers all our attempts at action.
2. to block up or fill with what is obstructive or superfluous: a mind encumbered with trivial and useless information.
3. to burden or weigh down: She was encumbered with a suitcase and several packages.
–verb (used with object)
1. to impede or hinder; hamper; retard: Red tape encumbers all our attempts at action.
2. to block up or fill with what is obstructive or superfluous: a mind encumbered with trivial and useless information.
3. to burden or weigh down: She was encumbered with a suitcase and several packages.
ponedeljek, 20. junij 2011
Re: Home computer in 2004
V moj inbox je prišel mail s spodnjo slikico ... ob čemer sem mlajše bralce liste:) spomnil na to, kdaj se je kaj, kar je danes povsem samoumevno za "razviti" (razvajeni) svet, začelo.
Ne sam hitr - expresno. A si predstavljate, da je Youtube "prišel ven" šele 2005. leta?
YouTube is a video-sharing website on which users can upload, share and view videos, created by three former PayPal employees in February 2005.[3]
in Facebook, ta Veliki Brat interneta, katerega mecen je bila tudi CIA?
Facebook is a social networking service and website launched in February 2004, operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc.[1] As of January 2011[update], Facebook has more than 600 million active users.[5][6]
Obadva citata sta iz Wikipedije, za katero pa sama pravi:
Its 18 million articles (over 3.6 million in English) have been written collaboratively by volunteers around the world, and almost all of its articles can be edited by anyone with access to the site.[3] As of May 2011, there were editions of Wikipedia in 281 languages. Wikipedia was launched in 2001 by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger[4] and has become the largest and most popular general reference work on the Internet,[2][5][6][7] ranking around seventh among all websites on Alexa and having 365 million readers.[2][8]
Staruhinja tale wikipedia, a? :)
ponedeljek, 13. junij 2011
Razlikovati med tem, kaj govorijo in kaj res ...
Po katerih proizvodih Slovenci najpogosteje povprašujejo?
    Treba je razlikovati med tem, kaj govorijo, da bi želeli kupovati in tem, kaj res kupujejo. Ko jih sprašujemo po njihovem mnenju, želijo imeti domače meso, mleko, med, vino - tu izkazujejo veliko pripadnost domačemu izvoru.
    Ko pa opazujemo njihovo vedenje v trgovini, ta njihov entuziazem, pripadnost domačemu izvoru zbledi. Pogosto niti ne morejo izbrati domačega mesa, ker trgovec ponuja uvoženo.
    Potrošnik pa ne vztraja in ne zamenja trgovine zato, da ni našel trgovca z domačim mesom. So pa potrošniki pripravljeni zamenjati trgovino, če jim ta ne zagotavlja priljubljene blagovne znamke kave, brezalkoholnih in alkoholnih pijač.
Iz Delove priloge "Posel in denar" (hecno ime, a ni?), dne 13. 6. 2011,
članek z naslovom
"Slovenija postaja odlagališče hrane nižje kakovosti"
Aleš Kuhar, agrarni ekonomist (vau, fancy)
četrtek, 9. junij 2011
Nikol si nisem mislu (OK, prejšnji teden si nisem mislu), da bom (ta teden) kdaj napisal tale stavek:
D-tubokurarin je kompetitivnih inhibitor ACH-ju na nikotinskih receptorjih v postsinaptični membrani motorične ploščice.
Nicotine - nikotin
Nicotine, alkaloid obtained from the tobacco plant Nicotiana tabacum is TOXIC to many animals, because it mimicks the action of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACH) at NEURO-MUSCULAR junctions (motorične ploščice na stiku živca in skeletnih mišic). (//Eckert animal physiology)

Ni čudn, da si mal počasen, če kadiš.
Še sreča, da se nanaša na živali, kar pa ljudje itak nismo, anede.
Lol, tole pa piše na wikipediji, pod njegovo toksičnost.
No, pa da bom fer: "It is unlikely that a person would overdose on nicotine through smoking alone, although overdose can occur through combined use of nicotine patches or nicotine gum and cigarettes at the same time.[57] Spilling a high concentration of nicotine onto the skin can cause intoxication or even death, since nicotine readily passes into the bloodstream following dermal contact."
in še:

Ni čudn, da si mal počasen, če kadiš.
Še sreča, da se nanaša na živali, kar pa ljudje itak nismo, anede.
Lol, tole pa piše na wikipediji, pod njegovo toksičnost.
The LD50 of nicotine is 50 mg/kg for rats and 3 mg/kg for mice. 40–60 mg (0.5-1.0 mg/kg) can be a lethal dosage for adult humans.[55][56] Nicotine therefore has a high toxicity in comparison to many other alkaloids such as cocaine, which has an LD50 of 95.1 mg/kg when administered to mice.
No, pa da bom fer: "It is unlikely that a person would overdose on nicotine through smoking alone, although overdose can occur through combined use of nicotine patches or nicotine gum and cigarettes at the same time.[57] Spilling a high concentration of nicotine onto the skin can cause intoxication or even death, since nicotine readily passes into the bloodstream following dermal contact."
in še:
Though the teratogenic properties of nicotine may or may not yet have been adequately researched, women who use nicotine gum and patches during the early stages of pregnancy face an increased risk of having babies with birth defects, according to a study of around 77,000 pregnant women in Denmark.
The study found that women who use nicotine-replacement therapy in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy have a 60 percent greater risk of having babies with birth defects, compared to women who are non-smokers, the Daily Mail reported. The findings were published in the journal Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
sreda, 8. junij 2011
Introducing: P.I.E.! (Posts In English)
Dearest Blogosphere and the people roaming the internet aim(less)ly (?), boy, do I have news for you!
I made a new label: PIE, posts in English,
so you can easily access the posts that you can actually read, without the crappy translation from Google Translate or your best neighbour, who just happens to speak Slovenian.
And since you might search wide and far for those ... here comes the PIE! ;) Awesome.
(And pretty meaningless:)
(But hey! you have to organise your life. Someday. Gotta start small.)
so you can easily access the posts that you can actually read, without the crappy translation from Google Translate or your best neighbour, who just happens to speak Slovenian.
And since you might search wide and far for those ... here comes the PIE! ;) Awesome.
(And pretty meaningless:)
(But hey! you have to organise your life. Someday. Gotta start small.)
Ne morem si pomagat, pač je Shawshank Redemption res en najbolj kul filmov. Sploh, ker ne samo, da igrajo vsi verjetno, pa da ima glavno vlogo Tim Robbins (mnogi se ga morda spomnijo iz filma o Einsteinu (I.Q.), k je poziral za fizika, da bi očaral Meg Ryan, Einsteinovo (Walter Matthau) hčerko;)
Zanimivo je, da sta bila oba posneta oz. nosita letnico 1994. Ha, kot mnogi udeleženci slovenske odprave na Jamboree 2011.
No, fino je tudi, ker so lepi kadri, zanimiva zgodba, ki je zaokrožena celota, poleg tega sta pa v en tram vrezana dva stavka: "Brooks was here" in pa:
"so was Red".
Zakon. Glejte, ne bo vam žal.
In ko sem že pri letu 1994. Kot poje Sinatra in po njem Robbie: "... It was a very good year..." Kajti istega leta so luč kinematografov ugledali tudi: Tom Hanks v Forrest Gump-u, pa ajde, Tim Allen je 'posnel' The Santa Clause, ki se itak vrti vsak Božič. Ko smo že pri ta hecnih, tudi Jim Carrey in Jeff Daniels sta bila pri tabutastih z Dumb & Dumber-jem, Keanu Reeves in Sandra Bullock sta se gledala v Speed-u, Samuel L. Jackson in John Travolta pa sta med drugim nosila jamajške kratke hlače in citirala biblijo v Pulp Fiction-u. Pol so bli še drugi filmi (in to kopiram samo iz strani iMDB, torej gre samo za ameriške filme, čeprav stran trdi, da je pač internet movie database. Huh.), kjer so se pokazali kaki Ethani Hawki pa Winona Ryder, pa Kremenčkovi so prišli, pa take fore.
Aja, pa Disney's The Lion King, ki mislim, da je še zmerom najdonosnejša risanka vsehhhh časov. (Ne vem, kako je s Shrekom. Ah, ne - Wikipedia pravi, da ga je Nemo prehitel. Pa čeprav z eno miceno plavutjo.) 1994 RULZ!
No, fino je tudi, ker so lepi kadri, zanimiva zgodba, ki je zaokrožena celota, poleg tega sta pa v en tram vrezana dva stavka: "Brooks was here" in pa:
"so was Red".
Zakon. Glejte, ne bo vam žal.
In ko sem že pri letu 1994. Kot poje Sinatra in po njem Robbie: "... It was a very good year..." Kajti istega leta so luč kinematografov ugledali tudi: Tom Hanks v Forrest Gump-u, pa ajde, Tim Allen je 'posnel' The Santa Clause, ki se itak vrti vsak Božič. Ko smo že pri ta hecnih, tudi Jim Carrey in Jeff Daniels sta bila pri tabutastih z Dumb & Dumber-jem, Keanu Reeves in Sandra Bullock sta se gledala v Speed-u, Samuel L. Jackson in John Travolta pa sta med drugim nosila jamajške kratke hlače in citirala biblijo v Pulp Fiction-u. Pol so bli še drugi filmi (in to kopiram samo iz strani iMDB, torej gre samo za ameriške filme, čeprav stran trdi, da je pač internet movie database. Huh.), kjer so se pokazali kaki Ethani Hawki pa Winona Ryder, pa Kremenčkovi so prišli, pa take fore.
Aja, pa Disney's The Lion King, ki mislim, da je še zmerom najdonosnejša risanka vsehhhh časov. (Ne vem, kako je s Shrekom. Ah, ne - Wikipedia pravi, da ga je Nemo prehitel. Pa čeprav z eno miceno plavutjo.) 1994 RULZ!
nedelja, 5. junij 2011
sreda, 18. maj 2011
sreda, 11. maj 2011
Človek in zver - volk
sobota, 30. april 2011
sreda, 27. april 2011
27. april ...
Tovariši, spominjajmo se dni,
ko so v uporu
zagorela naša v robstvu
izmučena srca in so se
za splošno ljudsko vstajo
stisnile naše pesti.
Napis na kamnu ... kje pa ne vem. Lahko pa pobarate njih.
petek, 8. april 2011
Chuck Norris jokes, pt. 2
Chuck Norris can sharpen a lightsaber.
Chuck Norris lost his virginity before his dad.
-Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris was once pulled over.....he proceeded to arrest the police officer.
There is no 'Ctrl' button on Chuck Norris' computer. Chuck Norris is always in control.
Chuck Norris died 20 years ago, Death just hasn't built up the courage to tell him yet.
Chuck Norris je edini, ki ima lahko torbo IN kolo.
Fear of spiders is aracnaphobia, fear of tight spaces is chlaustraphobia, fear of Chuck Norris is called Logic.
Chuck Norris once urinated in a semi truck's gas tank as a joke....that truck is now known as Optimus Prime.
Ghosts sit around the campfire and tell Chuck Norris stories.
Chuck Norris counted to infinity - twice.
Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.
When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.
When Chuck went back in time to father himself, he got in a fight with himself. We know this ongoing battle as the aurora borealis.
Chuck Norris will never have a heart attack. His heart isn't nearly foolish enough to attack him.
Death once had a near-Chuck Norris experience...
Chuck Norris once got bit by a rattle snake........ After three days of pain and agony ..................the snake died.
There is no theory of evolution. Ther's just a list of animals Chuck Norris allows to live.
When Chuck Norris does a pushup, he isn't lifting himself up, he's pushing the Earth down.
Chuck Norris lost his virginity before his dad.
-Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris was once pulled over.....he proceeded to arrest the police officer.
There is no 'Ctrl' button on Chuck Norris' computer. Chuck Norris is always in control.
Chuck Norris died 20 years ago, Death just hasn't built up the courage to tell him yet.
Chuck Norris je edini, ki ima lahko torbo IN kolo.
Fear of spiders is aracnaphobia, fear of tight spaces is chlaustraphobia, fear of Chuck Norris is called Logic.
Chuck Norris once urinated in a semi truck's gas tank as a joke....that truck is now known as Optimus Prime.
Ghosts sit around the campfire and tell Chuck Norris stories.
Chuck Norris counted to infinity - twice.
Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.
When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.
When Chuck went back in time to father himself, he got in a fight with himself. We know this ongoing battle as the aurora borealis.
Chuck Norris will never have a heart attack. His heart isn't nearly foolish enough to attack him.
Death once had a near-Chuck Norris experience...
Chuck Norris once got bit by a rattle snake........ After three days of pain and agony ..................the snake died.
There is no theory of evolution. Ther's just a list of animals Chuck Norris allows to live.
When Chuck Norris does a pushup, he isn't lifting himself up, he's pushing the Earth down.
ponedeljek, 14. marec 2011
Stuff ... in kako določiš čas predvajanja na you-tube-u
A ste kdaj hoteli ustaviti youtube video na točno določeni točki ... in ga poslati nekomu? Ga šerati na facebooku? Here's a way how you can do this (the talk is about how you can set the youtube video to play at a certain point ... so it begins at the exactly the same point when somebody clicks your link):
Lej, tole je fora: na koncu tvojega linka (, ki je očitno tole:
piše: &feature=player_embedded#at=171
In ker koda deluje preprosto ... če jo vidiš razčlenit in se možgansko ne upiraš neznanim stvarem ... pol vidiš, da piše na koncu:
Hm ... 60 sec. = 1 min, 2x60=120 + 51 ... je 2:49 ... 2:51 ... Hm ...
Torej, na eni točki, če čem ... na primer, ko je govora o otrocih ... na 6-ih minutah ..
6 x 60 = 360 ... Aha, dejmo probat: v=gLBE5QAYXp8&feature=player_ embedded#at=360
Ta-daaaa! ;)
In še nekaj, kar ni iz story of stuff, ... je pa upam da tale punca tudi videla kaj Georga Carlina: Stuff.
Lej, tole je fora: na koncu tvojega linka (, ki je očitno tole:
piše: &feature=player_embedded#at=171
In ker koda deluje preprosto ... če jo vidiš razčlenit in se možgansko ne upiraš neznanim stvarem ... pol vidiš, da piše na koncu:
#at=171Hm ... in pogledam čas - je cca. 2:49.
Hm ... 60 sec. = 1 min, 2x60=120 + 51 ... je 2:49 ... 2:51 ... Hm ...
Torej, na eni točki, če čem ... na primer, ko je govora o otrocih ... na 6-ih minutah ..
6 x 60 = 360 ... Aha, dejmo probat:
Ta-daaaa! ;)
In še nekaj, kar ni iz story of stuff, ... je pa upam da tale punca tudi videla kaj Georga Carlina: Stuff.
nedelja, 13. marec 2011
Ena za čez vikend
A: Lahko probava za foro se 20 let ne slišat
pa pol butneva en hologramski pogovor
pa da vidva, kolk se ujameva;)
Or we could just grab a beer next Wednesday;)
x: zakaj točno sreda? :)
me: I like wednesdays
It's not a Monday, not Friday, caught up in the middle, jumping on the rhythm ..
x: ja sj vem, ta spodobni prjatli pridejo na vrsto sred tedna
razuzdanke pa za vikend
me: ta vikend sem se z eno prou gajstno matral
je imela kar nabrušen jezik, takorekoč!
Pa pihala je, pa cvilla, ... matr, baba in pol!
Da ti da stvari na pol!
x: sam da zob ne uporabla, pa je all good
me: Ta je bla TOČNO take sorte, k uporabla zobe
Sam sem to tud hotu
Mi je všeč, k to delam, da uporablja zobe.
Ene parkrat mi je še oči pomagu držat, da je lohka ona svoje opravla.
x: hey, i'm not judging
me: Now you can
(Sej veš, da govoriva o motorki, ne?
x: ja, njen priimek se rima na motorko, sej vem
sobota, 12. marec 2011
Ženske ne potrebujejo moških!
Ženske bolj skrbijo za svoje zdravje kot moški. Verjetno zato, ker se bolj zavedajo, da so od njih odvisni tudi drugi. S tem mislim predvsem na otroke - želja po katerih je lahko še tako latentna, a v mojem pogledu evolucijsko nujno vseeno prisotna.
Moški po drugi strani, se ne zavedajo povezave: moje zdravje - moja družina/partner/otroci - služba - (dolgo in) prijetno življenje. Enostavno nekateri ne vidijo tako daleč. Razen, če so bili vzgojeni oz. so se vzgojili tako, da je zdravo življenje že del njihove (športne) rutine.
Saj ne, da ženske potrebujejo moške, seveda ne - a tipi ne dojamejo, da če si je punca izbrala njega, si ga je verjetno z razlogom (ali več njih), in da ji je verjetno precej pri srcu, da bi nekako rada videla, da je z njim vse v redu in ga imela ob sebi (pod seboj, na sebi ... _______ (vstavite sebi omiljeni položaj)) še nekaj časa. Včasih do konca življenja.
Ne, tipi ne dojamemo.
A potrebujemo ženske, tako kot one 'potrebujejo' nas. Ob ženskah so moški bolj moški in ob pravih moških, ki jim znajo dajati občutek varnosti in ljubljenosti, spoštovanja, se ženske počutijo prave ženske. (Vsaj tako dojemam stvar, ne pravim, da je univerzalno pravilo.) A vendar gre za malce drugačne potrebe, drugačna izhodišča. To bi morali razumeti ~ in ker smo, brez večjih vložkov denarja in časa, lahko samo enega spola, lahko privzeto razumemo le eno izhodišče - tisto svojega spola. (Ali, da bom bolj jasen: tisto svoje spolne usmerjenosti.) Ostalo pa žal, če se ne želimo zreducirati na Marsovce in Zemljanke oz. Veneričanke (?), moramo rešiti s pogovori. Pravimi pogovori dveh, obeh, v dvoje. Brez distraktorjev, z iskrenim zanimanjem za (so)človeka in brez konstantnega vrednotenja in ocenjevanja povedanega. Brez samoumevnosti.
Kar pa traja. A se splača. Saj veste:
Moški po drugi strani, se ne zavedajo povezave: moje zdravje - moja družina/partner/otroci - služba - (dolgo in) prijetno življenje. Enostavno nekateri ne vidijo tako daleč. Razen, če so bili vzgojeni oz. so se vzgojili tako, da je zdravo življenje že del njihove (športne) rutine.
Saj ne, da ženske potrebujejo moške, seveda ne - a tipi ne dojamejo, da če si je punca izbrala njega, si ga je verjetno z razlogom (ali več njih), in da ji je verjetno precej pri srcu, da bi nekako rada videla, da je z njim vse v redu in ga imela ob sebi (pod seboj, na sebi ... _______ (vstavite sebi omiljeni položaj)) še nekaj časa. Včasih do konca življenja.
Ne, tipi ne dojamemo.
A potrebujemo ženske, tako kot one 'potrebujejo' nas. Ob ženskah so moški bolj moški in ob pravih moških, ki jim znajo dajati občutek varnosti in ljubljenosti, spoštovanja, se ženske počutijo prave ženske. (Vsaj tako dojemam stvar, ne pravim, da je univerzalno pravilo.) A vendar gre za malce drugačne potrebe, drugačna izhodišča. To bi morali razumeti ~ in ker smo, brez večjih vložkov denarja in časa, lahko samo enega spola, lahko privzeto razumemo le eno izhodišče - tisto svojega spola. (Ali, da bom bolj jasen: tisto svoje spolne usmerjenosti.) Ostalo pa žal, če se ne želimo zreducirati na Marsovce in Zemljanke oz. Veneričanke (?), moramo rešiti s pogovori. Pravimi pogovori dveh, obeh, v dvoje. Brez distraktorjev, z iskrenim zanimanjem za (so)človeka in brez konstantnega vrednotenja in ocenjevanja povedanega. Brez samoumevnosti.
Kar pa traja. A se splača. Saj veste:
"Life's a journey, not a destination."
četrtek, 17. februar 2011
Clones, you idiot!
Picture was scanned from a paper copy that was sitting in a drawer in Haren for oh, so many years and came, from what I presume was a newspaper Palm Beach Post back in the 80s...
New TRAVEL blog - Louis and The Primers
Dearest all,
I have a new travel blog, available on:
Oh, and mostly it is in Slovenian. XD
I have a new travel blog, available on:
Oh, and mostly it is in Slovenian. XD
sreda, 9. februar 2011
www prasec pika si
Ko človek že misli, da je svet pust in brezvezen, da ni več domiselnosti in iskre hudomušnosti, ta-daaaa! ;)
petek, 28. januar 2011
Ljubezen - skoraj isti učinek kot heroin! (part 2)
Nadaljevanje iz prejšnjega dela, "O ljubezni in drugih boleznih", dostopno tukaj.
No, pravite, kaj pa navezanost! (Če se izognemo neprijetnemu oksitocinu s svojimi ... "intoksikantnimi" učinki.) Kaj pa to, ko mi srce poskoči, ko vidim svojega lubija ali pa čebelico in občutek, da bo skoraj konec sveta, če se nekaj časa ne vidiva? Hm, v besedi: withdrawal.
This is down to dopamine, the brain’s pleasure chemical. When nerve cells squirt small amounts of this into a brain region called the nucleus accumbens it produces sensations of euphoria and satisfaction.
Nadalje pa sem marca ali aprila lani poslušal iPod brata kolegice, ki mi je dal misliti - v bistvu je bil Podcast the naked scientists, ki se je ukvarjal ravno s to tematiko. Podcast, ki je ustvaril pričujoči članek.
Internetni članek (glej tudi spodaj) navaja, da je dopamin v telesu v uporabi, da se ojačajo nagrajujoča vedenja: ko se nekaj naučimo ali naredimo nekaj dobrega za nekoga ali ... vzamemo heroin ali kokain, ki delujeta na iste živčne končiče kot dopamin - vsi nam dajo občutek zadovoljstva.
Torej, ko delujeta oksitocin in vazopresin, ko so njuni kemični signali prisotni in aktivni v telesu (možganih!),
Svoj sestav avtor zaključuje z nasvetom in mislij, da je sicer fino, da znamo razčleniti ljubeznesko dogajanje v telesu na peščico kemikalij, da pomaga znanstvenikom in zdravnikom, da lahko ljudem, ki ne morejo navezovati stikov, na primer avtistom, pomagajo pri tvorbi odnosov .. Svari pa tudi, da se dá taka znanja krepko izkoristiti in da sedaj, zaenkrat še nedolžna fraza v prihodnosti: "A lahko samo tole malce poduhaš?" morda ne bo več tako nedolžna.
Ta in prejšnji del sta povzeta po članku na internetni podstrani The Naked Scientists, 'What is love?' Chrisa Smitha.
No, pravite, kaj pa navezanost! (Če se izognemo neprijetnemu oksitocinu s svojimi ... "intoksikantnimi" učinki.) Kaj pa to, ko mi srce poskoči, ko vidim svojega lubija ali pa čebelico in občutek, da bo skoraj konec sveta, če se nekaj časa ne vidiva? Hm, v besedi: withdrawal.
This is down to dopamine, the brain’s pleasure chemical. When nerve cells squirt small amounts of this into a brain region called the nucleus accumbens it produces sensations of euphoria and satisfaction.

Internetni članek (glej tudi spodaj) navaja, da je dopamin v telesu v uporabi, da se ojačajo nagrajujoča vedenja: ko se nekaj naučimo ali naredimo nekaj dobrega za nekoga ali ... vzamemo heroin ali kokain, ki delujeta na iste živčne končiče kot dopamin - vsi nam dajo občutek zadovoljstva.
Torej, ko delujeta oksitocin in vazopresin, ko so njuni kemični signali prisotni in aktivni v telesu (možganih!),
they trigger the release of an addictive surge of dopamine in order to consolidate their effects. So you are, quite literally, getting hooked on your partner.
Svoj sestav avtor zaključuje z nasvetom in mislij, da je sicer fino, da znamo razčleniti ljubeznesko dogajanje v telesu na peščico kemikalij, da pomaga znanstvenikom in zdravnikom, da lahko ljudem, ki ne morejo navezovati stikov, na primer avtistom, pomagajo pri tvorbi odnosov .. Svari pa tudi, da se dá taka znanja krepko izkoristiti in da sedaj, zaenkrat še nedolžna fraza v prihodnosti: "A lahko samo tole malce poduhaš?" morda ne bo več tako nedolžna.
Ta in prejšnji del sta povzeta po članku na internetni podstrani The Naked Scientists, 'What is love?' Chrisa Smitha.
O ljubezni in drugih boleznih, part 1

Oxytocin is released in the brain during orgasms, during childbirth and by breast feeding, which has led scientists to suspect that it may be linked to mother-baby bonding and that perhaps this, “love” and partner attachments are all a manifestation of the same process.
Nadalje je mojo pozornost pri predavanjih biokemije pritegnil seminar kolegice z naslovom: "Ljubezen po biokemijsko", kjer sem slišal tudi za vazopresin in podobne 'reagente" ...
But trust also usually demands monogamy, the mediator of which is vasopressin. Studies on voles have shown that a polygamous vole species known as the meadow vole can be transformed into behaving like its monogamous prairie vole cousin either by adding extra vasopressin to its brain or by increasing the brain’s sensitivity to the substance.

The same seems to apply to humans: a study carried out last year in Sweden found that individuals with one variant of a gene used in the brain to detect vasopressin levels were twice as likely to report a recent marital crisis, and only half as likely to be married in the first place, compared with individuals not carrying that form of the gene.
Administering vasopressin to volunteers also produces changes in behaviour. Men adopt a more aggressive posture including looking more menacing and also becoming much more protective of their partners. And when shown photographs of other peoples’ faces they tend to rate them as looking less friendly than they did before vasopressin was given.
No, pravite, kaj pa navezanost! (Če se izognemo neprijetnemu oksitocinu s svojimi ... "intoksikantnimi" učinki.) Kaj pa to, ko mi srce poskoči, ko vidim svojega lubija ali pa čebelico in občutek, da bo skoraj konec sveta, če se nekaj časa ne vidiva? Hm, v besedi: ...
O dopaminu, njegovih učinkih, kokainu in heroinu ter zaključku ... v naslednjem delu.
Ta in naslednji del sta povzeta po članku na internetni podstrani The Naked Scientists, 'What is love?' Chrisa Smitha.
nedelja, 16. januar 2011
Post-able things, objavabilne stvari
Torej - bolj zame - razlozim ob priliki, ampak: objavljal bom v ta post stvari, ki bi jih rad prilimal nekam drugam (blogger ustvari link do slike, ki jo up-loadas ... ergo...)
Torej - ni za branje, temveč za jemanje! Jemljite resno! ;)
(Z virom, če se le da!)
Gorazd Vahen (bojda): Štrpedov rod.

Znak od Pegcev, copyright A. G.
Monthy Python's Flying Circus. Link do novega bloga, da ohranim zdravo pamet in še vedno nekaj objavim vse, kar berem + imam shranjeno nekje in lahko polinkam ob priliki.
Torej - ni za branje, temveč za jemanje! Jemljite resno! ;)
(Z virom, če se le da!)
Gorazd Vahen (bojda): Štrpedov rod.

Znak od Pegcev, copyright A. G.
Monthy Python's Flying Circus. Link do novega bloga, da ohranim zdravo pamet in še vedno nekaj objavim vse, kar berem + imam shranjeno nekje in lahko polinkam ob priliki.

sreda, 12. januar 2011
Iz ene zlo fajn knjige od Terryja Practhetta, ki sem jo prebral ravno danes:
A Hat Full of Sky.
'Aye, weel, this is different-' Rob Anybody began, but stopped.
He hadn't been a husband for very long, but upon marriage men get a whole lot of extra senses bolted into their brain, and one is there to tell a man that he's suddenly neck deep in real trouble.
Jeannie was tapping her foot. Her arms were still folded. She had the special smile women learn about when they marry, too, which seems to say 'Yes, you're in big trouble but I'm going to let you dig yourself in even more deeply.'
'Still, that's my name, right?' he said, grinning.
Jeannie nodded.
'Just there, all by itself and no' on a Wanted poster or anything. My name, drawn by me.'
'Yes, Rob,' said the kelda.
'My name under my thumb. No scunner can do anythin' aboot it? I've got my name, nice and safe?'
Jeannie looked at the toad, who shrugged. It was generally held by those who knew them that most of the brains in the Nac Mac Feegle clans ended up in the women.
'A man's a man o' some standin' when he's got his own name where no one can touch it,' said Rob Anybody. 'That's serious magic, that is-'
'The R is the wrong way roond and you left the A and Y out of "Anybody",' said Jeannie,
because it is a wife's job to stop her husband actually exploding with pride.
'Ach, wumman, I didna' ken which way the fat man wuz walkin',' said Rob, airily waving a hand.
'Ye canna trust the fat man. That's the kind of thing us nat'ral writin' folk knows about. One day he might walk this way, next day he might walk that way.'
He beamed at his name: ßoB NybO D
p. 349:
Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colours. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.
Granny nodded. 'There's always a story,' she said. 'It's all stories, really. The sun coming up every day is a story. Everything's got a story in it. Change the story, change the world.'
She stood there watching the mountains until, after about an hour, a dot in the sky got bigger and bigger.
As a Kelda, she would welcome home a warrior. As a wife, she would kiss her husband and scold him for being so long away. As a woman, she thought she would melt with relief, thankfulness and joy.
A Hat Full of Sky.
'Aye, weel, this is different-' Rob Anybody began, but stopped.
He hadn't been a husband for very long, but upon marriage men get a whole lot of extra senses bolted into their brain, and one is there to tell a man that he's suddenly neck deep in real trouble.
Jeannie was tapping her foot. Her arms were still folded. She had the special smile women learn about when they marry, too, which seems to say 'Yes, you're in big trouble but I'm going to let you dig yourself in even more deeply.'
'Still, that's my name, right?' he said, grinning.

'Just there, all by itself and no' on a Wanted poster or anything. My name, drawn by me.'
'Yes, Rob,' said the kelda.
'My name under my thumb. No scunner can do anythin' aboot it? I've got my name, nice and safe?'
Jeannie looked at the toad, who shrugged. It was generally held by those who knew them that most of the brains in the Nac Mac Feegle clans ended up in the women.
'A man's a man o' some standin' when he's got his own name where no one can touch it,' said Rob Anybody. 'That's serious magic, that is-'
'The R is the wrong way roond and you left the A and Y out of "Anybody",' said Jeannie,
because it is a wife's job to stop her husband actually exploding with pride.
'Ach, wumman, I didna' ken which way the fat man wuz walkin',' said Rob, airily waving a hand.
'Ye canna trust the fat man. That's the kind of thing us nat'ral writin' folk knows about. One day he might walk this way, next day he might walk that way.'
He beamed at his name: ßoB NybO D
p. 349:
Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colours. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.
Granny nodded. 'There's always a story,' she said. 'It's all stories, really. The sun coming up every day is a story. Everything's got a story in it. Change the story, change the world.'
She stood there watching the mountains until, after about an hour, a dot in the sky got bigger and bigger.
As a Kelda, she would welcome home a warrior. As a wife, she would kiss her husband and scold him for being so long away. As a woman, she thought she would melt with relief, thankfulness and joy.
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