unencumbered (by):
–verb (used with object)
1. to impede or hinder; hamper; retard: Red tape encumbers all our attempts at action.
2. to block up or fill with what is obstructive or superfluous: a mind encumbered with trivial and useless information.
3. to burden or weigh down: She was encumbered with a suitcase and several packages.
torek, 28. junij 2011
ponedeljek, 20. junij 2011
Re: Home computer in 2004
V moj inbox je prišel mail s spodnjo slikico ... ob čemer sem mlajše bralce liste:) spomnil na to, kdaj se je kaj, kar je danes povsem samoumevno za "razviti" (razvajeni) svet, začelo.
Ne sam hitr - expresno. A si predstavljate, da je Youtube "prišel ven" šele 2005. leta?
YouTube is a video-sharing website on which users can upload, share and view videos, created by three former PayPal employees in February 2005.[3]
in Facebook, ta Veliki Brat interneta, katerega mecen je bila tudi CIA?
Facebook is a social networking service and website launched in February 2004, operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc.[1] As of January 2011[update], Facebook has more than 600 million active users.[5][6]
Obadva citata sta iz Wikipedije, za katero pa sama pravi:
Its 18 million articles (over 3.6 million in English) have been written collaboratively by volunteers around the world, and almost all of its articles can be edited by anyone with access to the site.[3] As of May 2011, there were editions of Wikipedia in 281 languages. Wikipedia was launched in 2001 by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger[4] and has become the largest and most popular general reference work on the Internet,[2][5][6][7] ranking around seventh among all websites on Alexa and having 365 million readers.[2][8]
Staruhinja tale wikipedia, a? :)
ponedeljek, 13. junij 2011
Razlikovati med tem, kaj govorijo in kaj res ...
Po katerih proizvodih Slovenci najpogosteje povprašujejo?
    Treba je razlikovati med tem, kaj govorijo, da bi želeli kupovati in tem, kaj res kupujejo. Ko jih sprašujemo po njihovem mnenju, želijo imeti domače meso, mleko, med, vino - tu izkazujejo veliko pripadnost domačemu izvoru.
    Ko pa opazujemo njihovo vedenje v trgovini, ta njihov entuziazem, pripadnost domačemu izvoru zbledi. Pogosto niti ne morejo izbrati domačega mesa, ker trgovec ponuja uvoženo.
    Potrošnik pa ne vztraja in ne zamenja trgovine zato, da ni našel trgovca z domačim mesom. So pa potrošniki pripravljeni zamenjati trgovino, če jim ta ne zagotavlja priljubljene blagovne znamke kave, brezalkoholnih in alkoholnih pijač.
Iz Delove priloge "Posel in denar" (hecno ime, a ni?), dne 13. 6. 2011,
članek z naslovom
"Slovenija postaja odlagališče hrane nižje kakovosti"
Aleš Kuhar, agrarni ekonomist (vau, fancy)
četrtek, 9. junij 2011
Nikol si nisem mislu (OK, prejšnji teden si nisem mislu), da bom (ta teden) kdaj napisal tale stavek:
D-tubokurarin je kompetitivnih inhibitor ACH-ju na nikotinskih receptorjih v postsinaptični membrani motorične ploščice.
Nicotine - nikotin
Nicotine, alkaloid obtained from the tobacco plant Nicotiana tabacum is TOXIC to many animals, because it mimicks the action of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACH) at NEURO-MUSCULAR junctions (motorične ploščice na stiku živca in skeletnih mišic). (//Eckert animal physiology)

Ni čudn, da si mal počasen, če kadiš.
Še sreča, da se nanaša na živali, kar pa ljudje itak nismo, anede.
Lol, tole pa piše na wikipediji, pod njegovo toksičnost.
No, pa da bom fer: "It is unlikely that a person would overdose on nicotine through smoking alone, although overdose can occur through combined use of nicotine patches or nicotine gum and cigarettes at the same time.[57] Spilling a high concentration of nicotine onto the skin can cause intoxication or even death, since nicotine readily passes into the bloodstream following dermal contact."
in še:

Ni čudn, da si mal počasen, če kadiš.
Še sreča, da se nanaša na živali, kar pa ljudje itak nismo, anede.
Lol, tole pa piše na wikipediji, pod njegovo toksičnost.
The LD50 of nicotine is 50 mg/kg for rats and 3 mg/kg for mice. 40–60 mg (0.5-1.0 mg/kg) can be a lethal dosage for adult humans.[55][56] Nicotine therefore has a high toxicity in comparison to many other alkaloids such as cocaine, which has an LD50 of 95.1 mg/kg when administered to mice.
No, pa da bom fer: "It is unlikely that a person would overdose on nicotine through smoking alone, although overdose can occur through combined use of nicotine patches or nicotine gum and cigarettes at the same time.[57] Spilling a high concentration of nicotine onto the skin can cause intoxication or even death, since nicotine readily passes into the bloodstream following dermal contact."
in še:
Though the teratogenic properties of nicotine may or may not yet have been adequately researched, women who use nicotine gum and patches during the early stages of pregnancy face an increased risk of having babies with birth defects, according to a study of around 77,000 pregnant women in Denmark.
The study found that women who use nicotine-replacement therapy in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy have a 60 percent greater risk of having babies with birth defects, compared to women who are non-smokers, the Daily Mail reported. The findings were published in the journal Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
sreda, 8. junij 2011
Introducing: P.I.E.! (Posts In English)
Dearest Blogosphere and the people roaming the internet aim(less)ly (?), boy, do I have news for you!
I made a new label: PIE, posts in English,
so you can easily access the posts that you can actually read, without the crappy translation from Google Translate or your best neighbour, who just happens to speak Slovenian.
And since you might search wide and far for those ... here comes the PIE! ;) Awesome.
(And pretty meaningless:)
(But hey! you have to organise your life. Someday. Gotta start small.)
so you can easily access the posts that you can actually read, without the crappy translation from Google Translate or your best neighbour, who just happens to speak Slovenian.
And since you might search wide and far for those ... here comes the PIE! ;) Awesome.
(And pretty meaningless:)
(But hey! you have to organise your life. Someday. Gotta start small.)
Ne morem si pomagat, pač je Shawshank Redemption res en najbolj kul filmov. Sploh, ker ne samo, da igrajo vsi verjetno, pa da ima glavno vlogo Tim Robbins (mnogi se ga morda spomnijo iz filma o Einsteinu (I.Q.), k je poziral za fizika, da bi očaral Meg Ryan, Einsteinovo (Walter Matthau) hčerko;)
Zanimivo je, da sta bila oba posneta oz. nosita letnico 1994. Ha, kot mnogi udeleženci slovenske odprave na Jamboree 2011.
No, fino je tudi, ker so lepi kadri, zanimiva zgodba, ki je zaokrožena celota, poleg tega sta pa v en tram vrezana dva stavka: "Brooks was here" in pa:
"so was Red".
Zakon. Glejte, ne bo vam žal.
In ko sem že pri letu 1994. Kot poje Sinatra in po njem Robbie: "... It was a very good year..." Kajti istega leta so luč kinematografov ugledali tudi: Tom Hanks v Forrest Gump-u, pa ajde, Tim Allen je 'posnel' The Santa Clause, ki se itak vrti vsak Božič. Ko smo že pri ta hecnih, tudi Jim Carrey in Jeff Daniels sta bila pri tabutastih z Dumb & Dumber-jem, Keanu Reeves in Sandra Bullock sta se gledala v Speed-u, Samuel L. Jackson in John Travolta pa sta med drugim nosila jamajške kratke hlače in citirala biblijo v Pulp Fiction-u. Pol so bli še drugi filmi (in to kopiram samo iz strani iMDB, torej gre samo za ameriške filme, čeprav stran trdi, da je pač internet movie database. Huh.), kjer so se pokazali kaki Ethani Hawki pa Winona Ryder, pa Kremenčkovi so prišli, pa take fore.
Aja, pa Disney's The Lion King, ki mislim, da je še zmerom najdonosnejša risanka vsehhhh časov. (Ne vem, kako je s Shrekom. Ah, ne - Wikipedia pravi, da ga je Nemo prehitel. Pa čeprav z eno miceno plavutjo.) 1994 RULZ!
No, fino je tudi, ker so lepi kadri, zanimiva zgodba, ki je zaokrožena celota, poleg tega sta pa v en tram vrezana dva stavka: "Brooks was here" in pa:
"so was Red".
Zakon. Glejte, ne bo vam žal.
In ko sem že pri letu 1994. Kot poje Sinatra in po njem Robbie: "... It was a very good year..." Kajti istega leta so luč kinematografov ugledali tudi: Tom Hanks v Forrest Gump-u, pa ajde, Tim Allen je 'posnel' The Santa Clause, ki se itak vrti vsak Božič. Ko smo že pri ta hecnih, tudi Jim Carrey in Jeff Daniels sta bila pri tabutastih z Dumb & Dumber-jem, Keanu Reeves in Sandra Bullock sta se gledala v Speed-u, Samuel L. Jackson in John Travolta pa sta med drugim nosila jamajške kratke hlače in citirala biblijo v Pulp Fiction-u. Pol so bli še drugi filmi (in to kopiram samo iz strani iMDB, torej gre samo za ameriške filme, čeprav stran trdi, da je pač internet movie database. Huh.), kjer so se pokazali kaki Ethani Hawki pa Winona Ryder, pa Kremenčkovi so prišli, pa take fore.
Aja, pa Disney's The Lion King, ki mislim, da je še zmerom najdonosnejša risanka vsehhhh časov. (Ne vem, kako je s Shrekom. Ah, ne - Wikipedia pravi, da ga je Nemo prehitel. Pa čeprav z eno miceno plavutjo.) 1994 RULZ!
nedelja, 5. junij 2011
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