Kdo jih nae pozna? Okej, bom polinkal.
Ampak - počasi gledam vse sezone, starting with numero 1.
yep, well, I've done that one. Zdej sem v drugi, ko Ross in Rachel ... umgh!
  A ste bli vi tudi
slučajno stari cca. 10 let (+/- 2 leti, gotta leave some room for standard error) in so bili F.r.i.e.n.d.s.i na TV-ju? Ob
RES* poznih urah?? No, well, jaz sem bil. And it sucked. Zakaj, pobarate? No, ker pač nisem mogel gledat frendsov. Pa še prestavljal so jih. Enkrat so bili ob 23.30. Uuurrgggh!
Ampak zdej ...
zdej ... zdej lahko gledam anytime I want. Ker so a) na netu in b) na prenosnem disku. In c) so izpiti. Damn. No, ampak d) sej človk rabi malce odmora, taku, možganskega anede? in e) se ne more učit čist
CEL dan.
Kakorkoli, hotel sem samo napisati ene dve fori iz tega dela, ki je ravno in progress (you try to be awake a week in a row till 4 a.m., studying incredibly interesting facts of life, such as biology and co. offers):
Ross: "Rachel and Julie, ... that's the problem."
Joey: "HEY! I've got two words for you: threesome!"
Chandler: "You still got one left, you know."
Monica: "OK, this is pumpkin pie, .../.../ Mocholate chip cookies, Mocholate strawberry cake, ... taste it!"
Rachel: "OMG!"
Monica: "OMG good?"
R: "OMG I can't believe you let me put this into my mouth!"
Phoebe: "Sweet LORD! Ugh! This is what EVIL must taste like!"
... :)
*Res je takrat pomenilo 22.30.