petek, 28. junij 2013

IMF riot and fascism in USA

Nothing really new, really. For those who seek such 'news' out. (I say news, because a large portion of it seems to be carefully constructed propaganda of the either side.)
Still, worth reading and considering, sharing. Why? Well, I keep pointing out the Niemoller's poem, since I believe at some point it might be too late to react.

Aaand, as always, cum granum salis. Not everything is as bad as it may seem at first glance. Some of it is probably exaggerated. Some of it, probably not. Lots of link from the mentioned newsitem are from PrisonPlanet or InfoWars, sites associated and (partially) run by Alex Jones. If you know him, you know he uses scare-the-people-into-action rhetoric and is a huge conspiracy theorist. [But if he's right on 10% of what he says, golly-gee, 'we' are in trouble.]

Curious. Very curious. The "IMF riot"? Does seem logical in a way to me. Perverse, immoral, unethical, ..., but logical. [link also below]
HOWEVER, potatoes, prunes and apples, as well as cabbage are being tossed in the same pot here. For the in-expert reader, the ideas of the article might sparkle one-line of thought, though I would say several lines coincide here. For example, banishing the coal factories and so-called "war on coal" goes anti-big capital of the oil and gas (and coal) companies, which are sometimes referred to as the same line of people and money as the bankers. At the same time, it might be more environmentally prudent, i.e., more visionary to ban big emitters and polluters.
However, having said that, I believe lots of laws and passages in legislation serve to create police super state, with nobody left to opose it. Obama, O, bummer. I mean, not all is good and happy in the land of the plenty.

Compare with the passage below and the "war on whistleblowers" like Asange, Snowden, the other guy, ... And the internet rights, which have come to symbolise (not yet fully and not yet acknowledged by far) the right to speech.
"The Obama administration's passage of NDAA legislation that authorizes kidnapping and indefinite detention without trial of American citizens on U.S. soil serves to create the framework for mass arrests of protesters and journalists in a time of declared national emergency."
"The Department of Homeland Security and other federal agencies are actively engaged in spying on social media as well as news websites to look for reports or comments that "reflect adversely on the U.S. government and the DHS." "
PS - Ever heard of drones? Well, their unmanned aerial vehicles, right? What harm can they .. doooeeeaaah. You arm them, then legitimize their use (they're already being used outside US soil) in homeland.
"Under the NDAA, the whole of the United States has been declared a "battlefield," meaning that drones may soon be used to execute American citizens on U.S. soil."
Additionally, headlines and themes like this are being juxtaposed:
California man faces 13 years in jail for scribbling anti-bank messages in chalk [link]
40-year-old man who is being prosecuted for scrawling anti-megabank messages on sidewalks in water-soluble chalk last year now faces a 13-year jail sentence. A judge has barred his attorney from mentioning freedom of speech during trial.

2 komentarja:

Grizli pravi ...

ma kaj je zdaj s tvojimi anglobralci? Jim je to vse kul? Znano? Ali so tako prekleto preparirani s propagando korporativnih medijev, da se jim zdiš rahlo usekan? Ali pa, kar je mogoče najhuje, jih zanimajo le frizbiji? ;)

Aljaz' pravi ...

pomojem nimam dosti anglo-bralcev.

Blogi so iz mode, a ves, promoviram ga pa blazno ne (razen kdaj pa kdaj na FB).

Gre bolj za osebni arhiv .. in ce ga slucajno kak neplacani algoritem na googleu najde. Arhiv in malce bolj cista vest, pa moznost back-linkanja.

Kako pa ti in tvoji blogi kej?