I'm participating in the Neanderthal-November, of the notorious Dan Brown, a you tube contest, so ... beware! "You're off the edge of the map, mate. And here, THERE BE MONSTERS! //cpt. Barbossa to cpt. Jack Sparrow//
Isn't it kind of pathetic, though? The fact, that the Waschawski bros. were kind of right and could well be written down in history together with A. Huxley, G. Orwell and Nietzsche?

Presindetal campaigns are now led also on you-tube. Gordon Brown has opened a VR (video-response) page on You-tube, for the sake of his own people and the sake of at least appearing modern. (Regarding the regular outfit, a good go, Mr. Brown, quite bold of you, but ... not to worry, eh?:) (No offence meant.)
2 komentarja:
Hello, I like the blog.
It is beautiful.
Sorry not write more, but my English is bad writing.
A hug from Portugal
Gracias por ta commentario, espero que te vailla bien!
Gracias, A
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