NOW ... A page has been made, a PORTAL, so to say, with any insinuations to MTG, Magic: The Gathering inconspicuously improbable.

So what's it all about? Well, if naught else, we can see some sort of lizzard winking at us, timidly and yet moronicly, "out of the blue" (in this case, THE case:).
But ok, looks alright, albeit not quite in full swing, as it seems at the moment.
Definately promising, but - to say more would not be prudent, rather rash and harsh. SO: "We should be patient, my young padawan."
(As is with stuuf of more mundane an appearance: say some words, shall we? Somalia, Slovenia, Singapur, TOkio & Dow Jones, militias in Kongo and Brasil, ..., polar bears and blood-stained politicians, student-politicians and school-going youngsters. (I can't believe I've actually said that, 'youngsters'... Gosh, "I feel old, Gandalf...").
Cheers and ... DO DRINK, for perhaps, "so many will we shoot of the arrows that we will block out the sun!"
"Alright. Then we will fight in the shade!
" T h i s i s G A I A ! "
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Zlo luštna zadevca fajn fajn :)
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